Realize Healthy Teenagers Towards a Golden Generation

Oct 29, 2022

To increase the knowledge of Healthy Teenagers in Batangtoru and Muara Batangtoru Sub-districts, on Saturday, October 29, 2022, PT Agincourt Resources (PTAR) held a meeting and coaching Healthy Teenagers with the theme “Realizing Healthy TeenagersTowards a Golden Generation”. The event, which was held at Sopo Daganak, Napa Village, Batangtoru Sub-district, was officially opened by Acting Head of the South Tapanuli Health Office, dr. Rudi Iskandar Harahap M.Kes, and Community Development Manager Rohani Simbolon. This activity was attended by about 200 people. 

The event went well and was a success. The participants of Healthy Teenagers were very enthusiastic and actively asked questions when participating in coaching materials regarding understanding of adolescents, marriage age, adolescent problems, and how to become Healthy Teenagers who can create a golden generation, which was conveyed by the Sub-Coordinator of Youth Resilience Development, Representative of the National Population and Family Planning Agency. (BKKBN) North Sumatra Province Agustina Siregar, S.Sos Msi accompanied by North Sumatra Province Genre Ambassador Dwi Laila Safira and Jowanda Harahap, SM. 


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