At PT Agincourt Resources, we strive to operate all our businesses responsibly. We are steadfastly committed to balancing business growth with social well-being and environmental sustainability across all the communities in which we operate. We take action to minimise the impact that our businesses have on biodiversity and to ensure we are doing all we can to promote sustainable practices.

“Biodiversity is the variability among living organisms from all sources, including terrestrial, marine, and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are part: this includes diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems.” Earth Summit 1992


The management of impacts on biodiversity associated with the operation of the Martabe Gold Mine is based on the mitigation hierarchy and is aligned to industry leading practices. The loss of habitat is the main project related impact on biodiversity. Unlike most other types of development involving natural ecosystems, this loss will be largely recovered through habitat restoration under the site rehabilitation program.

The Martabe Gold Mine is materially in compliance with the requirements of IFC Performance Standard 6 with the exception of a biodiversity offset. PTAR recognizes the importance of an offset for the site and is currently implementing an offset feasibility study to support this outcome.

Long-term protection of biodiversity in the Batang Toru Ecosystem requires the cooperation of all key stakeholders in the development and implementation of strategic conservation programs and other initiatives. PTAR is seeking to be an active long-term partner in support of this outcome.


The Martabe Gold Mine – operated by PT Agincourt Resources (PTAR) is located to the southwest of the Batang Toru Ecosystem (BTE). The BTE is estimated to cover approximately 150,000 hectares and overlaps with the Batang Toru Key Biodiversity Area (KBA), which covers 170,000 hectares and is an area of significant importance for biodiversity and is spread administratively across the three Tapanuli districts of North Sumatera Province: South Tapanuli, Central Tapanuli and North Tapanuli. 

Both the BTE and the KBA comprise predominantly Protected Forest and conservation land, which cannot be developed. Both BTE and KBA also contain limited areas of land which can be used for various development purposes, including mining activity. The mine’s approved current and future area of operations take place only in areas of land where mining activity is permitted. 

Since the beginning of operations at Martabe, the mine’s operating footprint has been located outside the original KBA boundary. However, due to a recent extension of the KBA boundary, the new KBA boundary now overlaps with a small part of the mine’s current operations. We have been working together to understand the basis for these changes and any potential impact on Martabe’s future development plans. 

The KBA was a boundary formally recognised in 2006 by a partnership of multiple non-governmental conservation organisations including: IUCN, WWF Wildlife Conservation Society, Rainforest Trust, Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund, Global Wildlife Conservation, Global Environment Facility, Conservation International, BirdLife International, American Bird Conservancy, Amphibian Survival Alliance and Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. 

The active footprint of the mine is 509 ha as of January 2022. Of this, 114 ha overlaps with the BTE. The projected life of mine footprint is 918 ha, of which 341 ha will overlap with the BTE, or<0.25% of the total size of the BTE. 

[1] Sustainable Management Initiative for Landscape & Ecosystem (SMILE) Batang Toru.
[2] The Batang Toru “Protected Forest” area was a formal designation by the Government of Indonesia and tabled in the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry decree II in 2014.
[3] The Batang Toru “Key Biodiversity Area” was a boundary formally recognized in 2016 by multiple non-governmental conservation organizations including IUCN and WWF.


Protecting biodiversity has always been an imperative of PTAR. The company has conducted comprehensive surveys around the mine throughout its period of operation and has taken measures to minimise the impact of the mine on local biodiversity. More recently, biodiversity efforts have specifically focused on the Tapanuli orangutan and actions to support the long-term preservation of this species. These initiatives are detailed below. 

The PTAR Biodiversity Policy commits the Company to the implementation of industry-leading practices for biodiversity management, the most important of which is the widely recognised mitigation hierarchy. [see Biodiversity Policy]
In 2020, PTAR formed a Biodiversity Advisory Panel comprising Dr Rondang Siregar, Dr Suci Utami Atmoko, Dr Puji Rianti and Dr Onrizal, all highly regarded independent scientists, each with specialist expertise in the BTE, orangutan biology and conservation. 

These scientists have worked independently to identify, map, and mitigate risks to biodiversity at Martabe. Their work is focused on the best interests of the Tapanuli orangutan, and their advice has already resulted in changes to the way the mine operates. [see Biodiversity Advisory Panel]

All scientists who are members of the Biodiversity Advisory Panel (BAP) work independently to identify, map, and mitigate risks to biodiversity. PTAR has no intervention on the BAP. [BAP Independence Statement]

The work of the BAP informs the continuing strengthening of PTAR’s policies and procedures and annual Biodiversity Action Plans.  

The BAP’s advice has also resulted in changes to the location of planned exploration sites as well as the cancellation of a planned Tailings Management Facility, where the land that had been designated for development has now been safeguarded as a corridor to facilitate the movement of orangutans. 

We are looking at how we can further strengthen the governance of this group, for which we are seeking input from the IUCN Secretariat. 


The PTAR Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (BSAP) provides an implementation framework for the PTAR Biodiversity Policy and facilitates Board oversight of biodiversity management performance.  It comprises seven elements: 

  • Management Principles
  • Goals
  • Action Plans
  • Operational Controls
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • Assurance
  • Review and Improvement

The scope of the BSAP includes all activities managed by PTAR including operations at the Martabe Gold Mine and its regional exploration program. It also encompasses biodiversity conservation aspects beyond the direct area of influence of mine operations in recognition of the importance of regional biodiversity conservation.
[see Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan]


Operational controls for biodiversity protection at the Martabe Gold Mine are documented in PTAR Code of Practice Biodiversity Management. These are mandatory requirements for both PTAR and site contractors. The scope of the Code of Practice includes:

  • Key accountabilities across the management team    
  • Avoidance and minimisation of biodiversity impacts in the planning of new projects
  • Minimisation of unnecessary clearing and disturbance of habitat
  • Management of hazardous wastes
  • Protection of animals inhabiting the site
  • Restoration of forest habitat on disturbed areas as part of mine closure
  • Stakeholder engagement

[see Code of Practice Biodiversity Management]


All clearing of vegetation must be preceded by “pre-clearance surveys”—whose methodology and inference designed and controlled by BAP—to prudently identify biodiversity risks and subsequently recommend mitigation practices, as per mitigation hierarchy principle.

This “pre-clearance survey” shall be carried out at least one year before proposed timing of clearing, even for area already approved as an act of prudence. BAP will confirm its formal approval to PTAR’s land clearing plan as a part of PTAR-BAP annual workshops report.

All clearing of vegetation at the mine is strictly controlled by a Land Disturbance Request procedure (“LADR”), which includes:

  • Verification that the area being cleared is approved under the AMDAL parameters 
  • Careful recording of all relevant evidence 
  • A procedure to immediately halt all clearing activity and coordinate with relevant government agencies to ensure the safety of orangutans, should any orangutans are observed in the immediate area 
  • Within 24 hours before any clearing of vegetation, a walk-through inspection of the area to be cleared by a team of four mine personnel to check for the presence of species classified as critically endangered (orangutan, tiger, pangolin and hornbill).  

If any protected species are found, clearing activities in the vicinity are required to stop immediately and a defined procedure is followed to ensure the protection of the animal(s).


At the Martabe Gold Mine, the goal of site rehabilitation is returning the forest habitat of disturbed areas to a similar condition to that existing prior to project development. This specifically includes restoration of habitat for threatened species such as Tapanuli orangutan. PTAR is also committed to the implementation of progressive rehabilitation, meaning that land is rehabilitated as it becomes available. Techniques for the restoration of tropical forest are now well established. The procedure applied at the Martabe Gold Mine is similar to that seen at many mines. The Company maintains a full-time rehabilitation crew and a site nursery to support ongoing rehabilitation works.

Conducted an “Orangutan Impact Assessment Study”
As part of PTAR’s 2021 Biodiversity Action Plan, PTAR requested that the BAP carry out an independent study to look into whether the mine’s activities impact the Tapanuli orangutan. This would build on other on-the-ground flora and fauna surveys conducted at the mine throughout PTAR’s ownership of the mine. 

The study involved a full review of previous studies and their results, as well as onsite observations and monitoring surveys. It:  

  1. Concluded that the methodology and inferences used in the past studies on the Tapanuli orangutan population were satisfactory; 
  2. Recognised that while habitat loss is the main potential impact on the Tapanuli orangutans, this impact can be mitigated through the biodiversity management measures implemented during the life of the mine and through the ongoing rehabilitation of land, all of which are measures PTAR is implementing; and  

Recommended further ways to enhance the mine’s biodiversity management approach which have since been incorporated into PTAR’s policies and operations.

Third party engagement

As the Member of PT Astra International Tbk., we recognise the value of engaging with third parties to provide more transparency to the efforts the Group is making to protect biodiversity as well as to provide external perspectives and advice to further our efforts.  In 2021, our shareholders reached out to the internationally renowned ARRC Taskforce of the IUCN Species Survival Commission Primate Specialist Group (ARRC) to seek their assistance and advice in our efforts to protect the Tapanuli orangutan. We subsequently in early 2022 entered a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the ARRC to explore how the ARRC could conduct a peer review of data about the Tapanuli orangutan obtained from scientific surveys of the mine and surrounding area carried out by the BAP.  As part of this engagement, the ARRC has been working with the BAP to advise on orangutan surveys and on appropriate mitigation measures to minimise impacts on this species.  

Local regulations on data sharing limitation have, however, meant that the ARRC has been unable to access the data they would need to carry out their peer review and, therefore, in April 2023, the ARRC decided that they would not extend the MOU. 

Notwithstanding this, we remain committed to working with relevant third parties, to obtain advice on how best to minimise the impact of the mine’s operations on the Tapanuli orangutan. 

Pursued broader orangutan conservation initiatives
PTAR has also carried out considerable work in relation to conservation initiatives to protect the Tapanuli orangutan in the broader Batang Toru Ecosystem and is working on potential programmes to offset impacts which cannot be avoided or mitigated. These initiatives include: 

  1. Improving the habitat for orangutans, including protecting critical conservation areas, reducing fragmentation from roads, establishing effective “corridors” and settlements where there is reduced chance of human-orangutan contact; 
  2. Conducting habitat enrichment with forage plants, including encouraging local community planting schemes;  
  3. Launching programmes to educate, socialise and raise awareness which build the community’s sense of ownership and responsibility for orangutans; 
  4. Promoting alternative economic livelihoods and investing with local communities to maintain orangutan habitats and preventing orangutan deaths or harm; and 
  5. Restoring the surrounding ecosystem in collaboration with the community, academics, and professionals. 
Biodiversity Report 2020-2024
This report provides a detailed account of the diverse flora and fauna biodiversity within the operational area of the Martabe Gold Mine from 2020 to June 2024. For the complete Biodiversity Report, [click here].
Additionally, we present data from the 2020-2024 [Absolute Biodiversity Table], summarizing the key achievements of the biodiversity conservation program.
Agincourt Resources has also implemented several biodiversity conservation programs during this period, including initiatives for Sumatran tigers, the revitalization of Batuhoring and Garoga rivers, Macaca species conservation, copper meranti enrichment, arbuscular mycorrhizal isolation and production, and the preservation of jurung fish. For a comprehensive report, please refer to the following document. [Biodiversity Conservation Report]
Under the [Letter of Determination] issued by the General Manager of Operations No.PTAR-0791/VI-23/GMO, proactive steps have been taken to safeguard biodiversity by establishing a [Biodiversity Conservation Zone] subject to regular monitoring. Situated in Aek Pahu, Napa Village, Batangtoru District, South Tapanuli, this 57.42-hectare zone is dedicated to conserving both flora and fauna. Management of the area falls directly under the purview of the PTAR’s Environmental and Biodiversity Management Team.


The recognition in 2017, the orangutan population in the Batangtoru Forest was recognized as a new species, named Tapanuli orangutan or Pongo tapanuliensis, as a distinct species of great ape found in the Batang Toru Ecosystem (BTE) in Sumatra, Indonesia, is of critical significance. With an estimated total population of around 800, Tapanuli orangutan has critically endangered status. We see it as our responsibility to support the long-term preservation of this species. 

The Martabe mine has been focusing on protecting the surrounding biodiversity since its establishment. Controls for the protection of orangutan have been in place since the commencement of the project and the Company has implemented significant improvements to its management of biodiversity over the last several years, with a particular focus on Tapanuli orangutans.

    Surveys and studies

    A wide range of surveys and other scientific studies have been carried out over the past 18 years. These include several flora and fauna surveys [see Survey Works], a High Conservation Value mapping exercise, a forest disturbance mapping project and [offset studies]. All these surveys were carried out by reputable consultants, applied established methodology. [see Survey Methodology]

    2022 Pre-clearance Survey by Pusat Riset Primata, Universitas Nasional.

    All past surveys/studies serve as the important basis for:

    • Multi-layered permitting and licensing (Environmental Impact Assessment Study (or AMDAL) process during which active participation of community, academics, and other relevant stakeholders was welcomed and integral part of the process.
    • PTAR to implement industry leading practices to minimise impacts on biodiversity associated with the mine.

    As part of PTAR’s 2021 Biodiversity Action Plan, PTAR requested that the BAP carry out an independent study to look into whether the mine’s activities impact the Tapanuli orangutan.

    The Orangutan Impact Assessment Study involved a full review of previous studies and their results, as well as onsite observations and monitoring surveys, and:

    • Concluded that the methodology and inferences used in the past studies on the Tapanuli orangutan population were satisfactory;
    • Supported the existing initiatives to mitigate loss of habitat as a result of mining activities, which includes PTAR’s ongoing biodiversity management and land rehabilitation work; and
    • Recommended further ways to enhance the mine’s biodiversity management approach which have since been incorporated into PTAR’s policies and operations

    Establishment of a Biodiversity Advisory Panel

    The controls implemented by PTAR include the establishment in 2020 of the Biodiversity Advisory Panel (“BAP”), comprising Dr Rondang Siregar, Dr Sri Suci Utami Atmoko, Dr Puji Rianti and Dr Onrizal, each with expertise in the habitat and fauna (especially orangutan), and ecosystem conservation.

    The work of the BAP directly informs the ongoing development of PTAR’s annual Biodiversity Action Plan, which provides a framework for biodiversity management at the mine, as well as a Code of Practice for the implementation of operational controls at the mine to mitigate the impact of the mine on the surrounding environment through the mitigation hierarchy.

    The BAP closely monitors the implementation of the Biodiversity Action Plan, and workshops are held at least twice a year to discuss progress and resolve any issues. The BAP has also trained PTAR employees in conducting these feasibility and impact assessments as well as walk-through inspections which are conducted periodically, and which must be conducted immediately prior to any clearing of natural vegetation at the mine. A key part of the training is to show them how to identify evidence of any orangutan activities.

    2021 Biodiversity Workshop, Bogor, Indonesia

    2022 Pre-clearing Fauna Inspections

    Mid-Year 2023 Biodiversity Workshop

    Industry-leading practices and procedures

    PTAR has adopted industry-leading practices and procedures to minimize the impacts on biodiversity associated with the mine, and has implemented a range of controls in accordance with an internationally-recognised mitigation hierarchy [see Mitigation Hierarchy]. The mitigation hierarchy is a widely recognized framework for mitigating project-related biodiversity impacts, referenced by the Equator Principles and IFC Performance standard 6 (Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living Natural Resources).

    Land clearing management

    During 2023, PTAR will complete safety and development activities at the Martabe Gold Mine. This consists of safety-related activity to support the existing Tailings Storage Facility (TSF) and around the existing mining pits, as well as the construction of an access road. A limited amount of exploration work will be undertaken as well as the construction of a new Tailings Management Facility (TMF). 

    Land-clearing areas are strictly regulated by the Government of Indonesia. An annual land clearing plan must be submitted and is subject to evaluation, especially its relevance with the mine’s approved long-term plan, adherence to environmental permit requirements, and alignment to the land rehabilitation plan. In addition to this, PTAR is taking additional precautionary steps.


    BAP-led preclearance survey team led By Dr. Sri Suci Utami Atmoko

    Pre-clearance surveys are conducted prior to any clearance work taking place at the Martabe Gold Mine. These surveys are undertaken with BAP supervision and apply universally accepted methodologies in data collection (including transect walks) and inference analysis. The pre-clearance survey will be carried at least one year before the start of any clearance activity, even for an area already approved. BAP will confirm its formal approval of PTAR’s land clearing plan as a part of the PTAR-BAP annual workshops report. Pre-clearance survey for the 2023 development has been carried out in 2022.

    Pre-Clearance Survey Activity led By Dr. Sri Suci Utami Atmoko

    In the days before land development commences, a Land Access Disturbance Request (LADR) procedure must be carried out, which includes: 

    • Verification that the area being cleared is approved under the AMDAL parameters.
    • Careful recording of all relevant evidence.
    • A procedure to immediately halt all clearing activity and coordinate with relevant government agencies to ensure the safety of orangutans, should any orangutans are observed in the immediate area. 
    • Within 24 hours before any clearing of vegetation, a walk-through inspection of the area to be cleared by a team of mine personnel to check for the presence of species classified as critically endangered (orangutan, tiger, pangolin and hornbill).

    Land rehabilitation

    PTAR is continuously seeking opportunities to improve the ecosystem in and around the mine area, in-line with the long-term mine closure plan. In accordance with the CoW, PTAR is committed to fully restoring the mine to its former natural state at its end of life.  

    As of September 2023, Agincourt Resources has reclaimed 47.18 hectares of land. An additional 39 Ha of land will be rehabilitated between 2022-2026, distributed across TSF’s embankment area (28 Ha) and various explorations points (11 Ha). The rehabilitated area is expected to grow rapidly as the size of the post-mined area increases. The BAP has been advising the team on improving the effectiveness of its mine rehabilitation approach. Initiatives include intensive identification of local plant species, expanded nursery capacity to produce these local plant seeds, and implementation of mychoriza symbiot technique to improve success rates and quality of replantation, under the supervision of Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB). 

    In accordance with the law, a Mine Closure Plan has been submitted to and approved by the Government of Indonesia (GoI). This plan sets out a strategy and general timeline to fully bring the post-mining area into desired state, aiming at a full restoration of the ecological function of the mining area. This long-term plan will be synchronized with a shorter-time rehabilitation plan. The key element of this plan is to engage mine-closure professionals, including conservationists and landscape experts. In accordance with regulations, PTAR o has set aside $29.6 m with the GoI as a Mine Closure Guarantee, or Jaminan Paska Tambang (JPT).   

    Rehabilitated area in the Martabe mine

    Conservation efforts

    PTAR is aware of Population and Habitat Viability Analysis (PHVA) published in 2016 as a public-domain document with the most comprehensive assessment of orangutans, including recommended strategies and action to support its long-term viability.

    With confidence, PTAR could confirm that it has been in compliance with all recommended mitigation strategies documented for mining-related sector, including:

    • Compliance with all applicable law, especially in relation to land-use, environmental protection, and biodiversity protection laws and regulations. 
    • Not expanding the mining activity into area classified as forest in accordance with the Indonesian Law. We are operating only within Area Penggunaan Lain — Other Use (APL). 
    • Implementation of Better Management Practices (BMP) through implementation of internationally recognised standards in mining practices, including IFC PS-6. 
    • Implementation of effective replanting policies, reclamations, and reforestation. PTAR is active in mandatory land reclamation and seeking ways to accelerate both quantity and quality of rehabilitation programs. 
    • PTAR has been active in the identification, maintenance, and improvement of internal corridors, including one which was identified in 2014 HCV study. 
    • With BAP and reputable international consultants, PTAR is also working on an offset program to identify and manage protection/conservation sites outside our mine area including an opportunity to build a wildlife corridor. An early report will be available early next year. 

    However, we realize that it takes more than just PTAR to effectively contribute to Tapanuli orangutan long-term viability. PTAR has also carried out considerable work in conservation initiatives beyond what’s required for mining sector, including existing and future collaborative works with key regional stakeholders in protecting larger area of ecosystem and working on potential offsets program for residual impacts which cannot be avoided or mitigated.  The initiatives include:

    Regular trainings in pre-clearing fauna inspections and phenology to increase awareness, knowledge and skill of its staff.

    2022 Phenology Field Training

    2022 Phenology Field Training

    PTAR has been conducting regular trainings in pre-clearing fauna inspections and phenology to increase awareness, knowledge, and skill of its staff.

    Improved Zonal Protection

    Biodiversity warning signs to reduce human-orangutans conflicts

    PTAR has improved its zonal protection through implementation wildlife warning signs and routine patrol aimed at reducing wildlife-human conflicts and eradicating illegal access which may lead to degradation of ecosystem due to illegal activities (hunting and farming).

    Major Partner for Key Regional Stakeholders

    PTAR has been a major partner for key regional stakeholders: Barumun Nagari Wildlife Sanctuary (BNWS) which provides tigers, tapir, and elephants sanctuary services; and Scorpion Foundation, a key NGO carries out regional protection and conservation activities of the environment and wildlife, including community-based patrol, particularly in the area of Batangtoru Forest and PTAR mining.

    Promote alternative economic livelihoods 

    PTAR has established a number of community initiatives that seek to directly address the issues of illegal poaching and land clearing activity in the region, through providing employment and education opportunities for the local community.

    • PTAR has been one of the most significant economic drivers to the local community by providing employment opportunities and purchasing goods/services. 
    • PTAR has also been active in various capacity-building programs for local community: improving education and healthcare infrastructure as well as supporting projects in sustainable farming and home industries which in turn helped to reduce illegal mining, farming, and logging activities. 

    PTAR economic contribution to the local community, excluding $80-100 m in various taxes, royalties, dividends to regional and central government.

    PTAR public contribution

    Local Rice Seed Product

    Local Product Development

    Irigation Development

    South Tapanuli Batik Product

    Chili Farmer Product

    Improving spatial planning for orangutans (protection of critical conservation areas, reduced fragmentation from roads, effective corridors, settlements with reduced chance of human-orangutan conflict)
    • PTAR has been active in identification, maintenance and improvement of internal corridor, including the one which was identified in 2014 HCV study.
    • With BAP and reputable international consultants, PTAR is also working on offset program to identify and manage protection / conservation sites outside our mine area including opportunity to build a wildlife corridor. An early report will be available early next year.
    • PTAR has been in close communication with key regional NGO, Yayasan Ekosistem Lestari (YEL), to establish joint programs specifically designed for orangutans conservation.
    Encouraging local community planting schemes on their lands, for community/personal use (e.g. house refurbishment), to avoid the community to return to the site and destroy the habitat of the Tapanuli orangutan.

    PTAR has been working in identification and management of “Lubuk Larangan” sites as a part of rejuvenation of local wishdom to protect some part of water system and related landscape as “not-for-human exploitation zone”, promoting sustainable fishery practices.

    2022 Lubuk Larangan Project

    Conducting habitat enrichment with forage plants in the peripheral BTE area as a natural barrier for orangutans, to be supported under the North Sumatra Government, which can help to facilitate the cultivation of plants that are not a source of orangutan food on community lands.
    • The BAP has been advising the PTAR team on improving effectiveness of mine rehabilitation including implementation of mykorrhiza symbiose techniques.
    • Using state-of-the-art molecular and genetic tools, coupled to high-throughput sequencing and advanced microscopy, mykorrhiza symbionts can be identified and applied to improve the nutrient status of their host plants, influencing mineral nutrition, water absorption, growth and disease resistance, thus improve the success rate and speed of mine rehabilitation programme.
    • The target is to include as many local food/forage plants in BTE parameters.

    2022 Mychoriza Program with Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB)


    PTAR understands that collaboration between key stakeholders is critical to ensuring the sustainable conservation of biodiversity in the Batang Toru Ecosystem. The Company supports this outcome through various means.

    Since 2020, we have been helping the Bodhicitta Mandala Medan Association Foundation (YPBMM) and the North Sumatra Natural Resources Conservation Center (BBKSDA) to release three Sumatran tigers. The Sumatran tiger is one of the protected and endangered wildlife species with the status of Critically Endangered.

    Partnerships with universities and other research institutions in the implementation of biodiversity surveys and field trials at the Martabe Gold Mine.

    Providing university students and graduates with site biodiversity survey experience.

    Supporting independent assessment of the quality of site water discharge by means of an Integrated Monitoring Team comprising representatives from local government, local communities and the University of North Sumatra.

    Participation in workshops, forums and other events held in support of biodiversity conservation  in the Batangtoru Forest.

    Ongoing financial support for local conservation NGOs including  Yayasan Scorpion Indonesia and Yayasan Persamuhan Bodhicitta Mandala Medan (YPBMM), that operates the Barumun Tiger Sanctuary.


    The approach to the management of biodiversity at the Martabe Gold Mine has been developed with reference to a range of widely recognized industry guidance, including :

    Agincourt Resources has met the International Finance Corporation (IFC) Performance Standard 6 (IFC PS6) work standard, which means it has successfully demonstrated its commitment to biodiversity conservation and sustainable natural resource management. [see Compliance Review IFC Performance Standard].

    We have implemented various mitigation initiatives to meet compliance standards, including conducting impact management assessments, mapping all biodiversity controls, protecting and managing natural habitats sustainably, and conducting consultations involving stakeholders, and having an effective grievance mechanism.

    These steps are currently being addressed by a detailed offset study conducted by The Biodiversity Consultancy (TBC). The benefits of this offset project are expected to be available from mid-2024.


    Management of biodiversity at the Martabe Gold Mine is based on the mitigation hierarchy, widely recognized  as best practice for mitigating project related biodiversity impacts [see Mitigation Hierarchy Controls].

    Examples Martabe Gold Mine


    Offset project (under development)


    Restoration of forest habitat under the site rehabilitation program


    Land Clearing Management


    Pre-clearing fauna inspections


    Avoidance of mine development in Protected Forest


    Site selection tailing storage facility


    The first and potentially most important step in the mitigation hierarchy is avoidance of impacts by means of decisions made early in the project planning stage. The most likely opportunities for avoidance involve site selection, project design and project scheduling.


    Minimisation involves reducing “as low as reasonably practicable” biodiversity loss due to impacts that are unavoidable if the project is implemented. There are three classes of controls for minimising project related environmental impacts: physical controls related to the design of infrastructure, operational controls such as rules and procedures, and abatement controls on pollution.


    Restoration involves measures taken to recover biodiversity loss that has not been addressed through avoidance and/or minimization. The common example in mining is site rehabilitation involving the establishment of habitat similar to that originally cleared. Restoration of habitat is the most important control on biodiversity loss at the Martabe Gold Mine.


    Biodiversity offsets are measurable conservation outcomes resulting from actions designed to compensate for significant residual adverse biodiversity impacts arising from project development and persisting after appropriate avoidance, minimization and restoration measures have been taken. (IFC Performance Standard 6)


    Since project commencement, PTAR has implemented a range of technical studies to support development of controls for mitigating biodiversity impacts associated with the Martabe Gold Mine.


    The first fauna and flora survey at the Martabe site was conducted in 2003. Since that time, seven additional surveys have been conducted in support of environmental impact assessments and also to meet more specialized needs. The data provided by these surveys is important for development of the site rehabilitation program and the design of a biodiversity offset. All fauna and flora surveys have been conducted by experienced consultant ecologists using standardized methods for data collection and analysis.


    Planning for sustainable development at the Martabe Gold Mine commenced before the construction of the project with the implementation of 38 environmental and social studies in support of the project’s environmental and social impact assessment, known as AMDAL.  The AMDAL contains a large number of requirements for the control of impacts over the life of the mine. Impacts on biodiversity are evaluated as part of the Amdal assessment process.


    Two habitat mapping studies have been implemented at the Martabe Gold Mine. Study outcomes included:

    • Evaluation and mapping of land cover and habitat types over the project area.
    • Evaluation of impacts on habitat associated with the project.
    • Recommendations for improving biodiversity management at the site.

    Specifically, the results of these studies are important for the design of a biodiversity offset for the site.

    Dr. Rondang Siregar is a Senior Biodiversity and Conservation Planning Consultant at Daemeter Consulting. She earned her PhD from the University of Cambridge, UK. Dr Rondang has been working on Biodiversity and Conservation issues for over 20 years, focusing on primate and habitat conservation, orangutan rehabilitation/reintroduction, human and orangutan conflict resolution, wildlife/orangutan trade, protected area, ecotourism, mining and biodiversity and climate change. She was formerly a member of the IUCN Primate Specialist Group and co-vice Chair, the Section for Human-Primate Interactions.

    Dr. Suci Utami Atmoko is a Professor at the National University (UNAS) in Indonesia. She earned her PhD from the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands. She has studied orangutans for nearly 30 years and made a significant contribution to several internal scientific literatures on orangutans. She is a member of the IUCN Primate Specialist Group.

    Dr. Puji Rianti is a Lecturer and Researcher at the IPB University in Indonesia (IPB). She earned her PhD from IPB Joint Degree with the University of Zurich, Switzerland. Dr Puji has been working on Biodiversity and Conservation issues for close to 15 years, focusing on primate and habitat conservation, orangutan rehabilitation/reintroduction, human and orangutan conflict resolution, wildlife/orangutan trade and ecotourism.

    Dr. Onrizal is an Associate Professor at the Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) in Indonesia. He earned his PhD from Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia. He has extensive experience (>25 years) in tropical forest ecology and biodiversity conservation.