Agincourt Resources Provides Water and Energy Conservation Training for 7 Fostered Adiwiyata Schools 

Dec 7, 2022

In an effort to improve the competence of school members (principals, teachers, administrative staff, and students) related to Environmental Education and support the Caring and Cultured Environment Movement in Schools (PBLHS), PT Agincourt Resources (PTAR) collaborates with the Regional Environmental Service (DLHD) ) South Tapanuli held a Water and Energy Conservation Training from Tuesday to Wednesday, 6-7 December 2022 at Batangtoru 1 Public Middle School, Napa Village, Batangtoru Sub-District. The training covers water conservation, energy saving and habitat conservation. 

This training was attended by 38 participants, consisting of 7 school principals, 16 teachers, and 15 Adiwiyata cadre students from seven Adiwiyata schools assisted by PTAR and DLHD of South Tapanuli Regency, namely SDN No. 100715 Telo Batangtoru, SDN No. 100712 Hapesong Lama, SDN No. 100707 Batangtoru Plantation, SMPN 2 Batangtoru, MTsN 3 Tapanuli Selatan, SMPN 1 Batangtoru, and SMKN 2 Batangtoru. 

This training was also attended by representatives of PTAR Management, DLHD South Tapanuli, South Tapanuli Education Office, Padangsidimpuan Education Office Branch, and representatives of the Ministry of Religion South Tapanuli with instructors from the Semut Merah Foundation, who are Indonesian Adiwiyata activists. With this training, it is hoped that the members of the target schools can understand how important it is to save water and energy use and then be able to practice it in their daily lives.


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