Organic and Inorganic Waste Management Training at GPBLHS/Adiwiyata Assisted Schools 

Dec 14, 2022

To improve the competence of school members (principals, Adiwiyata mentor teachers, and students) regarding how to manage waste, sort waste, count school waste piles, create waste banks, and make compost, PT Agincourt Resources (PTAR) cooperates with the Regional Environment Agency (DLHD) South Tapanuli held Organic and Inorganic Waste Management Training on Monday-Wednesday, 12-14 December 2022 at SMK Negeri 2 Batangtoru, Sipenggeng Village, Batangtoru Sub-District. 

The training, which was attended by 7 school principals, 15 Adiwiyata Working Group teachers, and 21 Adiwiyata cadre students from 7 Adiwiyata schools, is a form of support for government programs stipulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry (LHK) Number 52 of 2019 concerning Movement Caring and Cultured Environment in Schools (GPBLHS) and Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation Number 53 of 2019 concerning Adiwiyata Schools with the involvement of the Business World and the Industrial World (DUDI). The resource persons for this training came from the South Tapanuli DLHD, North Sumatra DLH, and the Indonesian Hayati Foundation. 

In addition to training, PTAR also provided assistance with a total value of IDR 162.85 million in the form of 7 units of organic waste chopping machines (1 unit/school), 14 units of composter barrels (2 units/school), and 86 tree and flower seeds. 


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