Considering the importance of higher education to prepare the next generation who are knowledgeable so that they can be empowered in national development in the future, the recipients of the Martabe Prestasi Scholarship who formed the Martabe Prestasi Goes to School, held Socialization & Motivation Towards University.
This socialization was carried out to provide an understanding and motivation to high school/equivalent students who will graduate so they can make good judgments and decide to continue their education to a higher level of education. This outreach was held on Friday, 19 January 2023 at SMKN 1 Muara Batangtoru and MAS Ahmad Basyir and Saturday, 20 January 2023 at SMAN 1 Batangtoru, MAS Nahdlatul Ulama, and SMKN 2 Batangtoru with a total of 484 students participated.
In this socialization, the students were given information about the entrance route to State Universities with different names from before. They were also introduced to the 10 best State Universities and State Universities with Legal Entities (PTN-BH) were given insight into the dynamics and hustle and bustle of the world of lectures, as well as the privileges they get after studying. It is hoped that through this socialization, the participants will understand and be motivated to continue their education at university after graduating from high school later.