Martabe Prestasi Scholarship Recipient Secured First Winner in North Sumatra APE BKB Competition By Martabe Prestasi Team  

Jan 5, 2024

Once again, a remarkable feat has been achieved by a scholar under the Martabe Prestasi Scholarship in the Creative Educational Game Tools (APE) competition for Bina Keluarga Balita (BKB) in North Sumatra. The event, held in Medan in December 2023, witnessed Nur Khoirunnisa Siregar, a student from SMA Negeri 1 Batangtoru and the 2023 Martabe Achievement Scholarship recipient, emerging as the first-place winner in the competition.  

The APE BKB competition at the North Sumatra level coincided with the Month of Toddlers and Youth Generation Development. Participants from diverse regions in North Sumatra showcased their talents in the competition. The team representing South Tapanuli Regency demonstrated resilience, surmounting various challenges to emerge victorious.  

Read Also: Martabe Prestasi Scholarship Awarding Agincourt Resources Granted IDR2.94 Billion for 379 Students in South Tapanuli 

“Alhamdulillah, I am truly grateful. This moment has been eagerly awaited, and it has finally arrived. I extend my thanks to the mentors of the Martabe Prestasi Scholarship, Agincourt Resources, and everyone who supported my participation in this competition. I am committed to elevating my achievements to bring honor to the region and my family.”  

This accomplishment serves as concrete evidence of Agincourt Resources’ deep commitment, through the Martabe Prestasi Scholarship, to provide support and motivation for students in South Tapanuli to continue unfolding their potential.  

Not only does this achievement fill the team with pride, but it also reinforces the reputation of South Tapanuli as a region characterized by high innovation. It is anticipated that this success will inspire more young generations in Indonesia, particularly in South Tapanuli, to pursue their aspirations.  


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