Pandan, Central Tapanuli, June 3, 2024 – PT Agincourt Resources held another Mangrove Planting Action “ Dari Hati Untuk Bumi” for the second time. This time, the operator of the Martabe Gold Mine planted 60,000 mangrove seedlings and spread 50,000 clam and crab seedlings on an area of 19 hectares in Kalangan Village and Sitio-tio Hilir Village, Pandan Sub-district, Central Tapanuli, North Sumatra.
Previously, in February 2023, PT Agincourt Resources (PTAR) planted 30,000 Mangrove seedlings in an area of 10 hectares and spread 10,000 clam seedlings. Thus, PTAR has planted 90,000 mangrove seedlings on 29 hectares.
President Director of PT Agincourt Resources, Muliady Sutio, said that planting mangroves around the mining site is a realization of PTAR’s commitment to protecting the environment and the sustainability of coastal ecosystems. This is also in line with the obligations of mining business license (IUP) holders in fulfilling the implementation of mining environmental management aspects, reclamation, and post-mining and post-operation as contained in the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Number 26 of 2018.
Read Also: Mangroves: The Coastal Defender and Nature’s Solution for Global Warming
“This Mangrove Planting Action is an integral part of the company’s long-term strategy in carrying out sustainable mining practices. We are committed to continuously improving the quality of the environment around operational areas and actively contributing to environmental conservation,” said Muliady when opening the Mangrove Planting Action event in Pandan, Monday (3/6/2024).
Just like before, in the Mangrove Planting Action “Dari Hati Untuk Bumi” this time, PTAR collaborated with the Mandiri Lestari Forest Farmer Group. Mangrove seedlings prepared this time are local seedlings of Rhizophora sp, Avicennia spp, Nypa fruticans, and Bruguiera sp, ready for planting aged 3 months in the nursery. Meanwhile, the seedlings of the Crustacea group or shellfish group that were distributed were locus-type and mangrove-type crabs in healthy and fresh conditions.
In addition to having ecological benefits, the Mangrove Planting Action is expected to have a positive impact in the economic sustainability of the surrounding community. Mangrove ecosystems can later be developed into fisheries and tourism areas.
“Through this Mangrove Planting Action, we realize our Social and Environmental Responsibilities, especially those related to community development to improve community welfare,” said Muliady.
The Mangrove Planting Action not only reflects PTAR’s commitment to good mining practices, but also shows PTAR’s commitment to carrying out environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) aspects.
The implementation of ESG aspects is consistently carried out by PTAR. Evidently, from 2012 to 2023 PTAR has planted 73,815 tree seedlings in the reclamation area and 38,306 seedlings outside the Martabe Gold Mine area. Meanwhile, land that has been reclaimed from 2012 to 2023 reached 47.18 hectares.
Read Also: Planting Mangrove Seeds, PTAR Preserves the Central Tapanuli Coastal Area
As part of the Astra Group, this Mangrove Planting Action aims to support Astra 2030 Sustainability Aspirations which targets a 30% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in Astra Group Scope 1 and 2. This is in line with the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) which contains the country’s commitment to set emission reduction targets in Indonesia, one of which is establishing a Mangrove ecosystem.
In his online speech, the Director of Engineering and Environment of Mineral and Coal of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Sunindyo Suryo Herdadi, expressed his appreciation to PTAR for organizing the Mangrove planting in the event of the World Environment Day commemoration.
He invited all stakeholders of the mineral and coal mining subsector to continue to encourage the use of technology and apply monitoring and evaluation in carrying out the reclamation of ex-mining land. Stakeholders are also expected to make efforts to restore ecosystems to protect biodiversity and have a positive impact on the environment.
“I hope that in organizing World Environment Day, environmental management activities can be part of the good mining practice so that they can contribute to sustainable development according to the mandate of the Sustainable Development Goals / SDGs,” he said.
Read Also: Disaster Mitigation Due to Global Warming by Building Mangrove Ecosystems
Meanwhile, The Acting Regent of Central Tapanuli, Sugeng Riyanta, thanked PTAR for the contribution in preserving the environment. Hopefully, the Mangrove area will be useful to become an ecotourism location and have a positive impact on the surrounding community.
“Thank you to PTAR for choosing Central Tapanuli as the location for mangrove planting. Hopefully, the mangrove planting that has been pioneered can continue to be sustainable,” he said.