Unlocking Doors to Promising Careers in the Heavy Equipment Industry, Agincourt Resources Hosted BMC Selection 

Jun 19, 2024

Agincourt Resources and PT United Tractors Tbk. (UT) School remain steadfast in their commitment to enhancing the quality of human resources in Batangtoru and Muara Batangtoru. One manifestation of this commitment is the organization of the Basic Mechanic Course (BMC) Training for SMK/SMA/Sederajat graduates majoring in Science and Technology (Saintek) to obtain certification from the Indonesian Heavy Equipment Professional Certification Body (LSPABI). 

The BMC selection process commenced with the administration of psychometric tests on Wednesday, June 19, 2024, held at the Hall of SMK Negeri 2 Batangtoru. This assessment was taken by 73 participants who had registered and met the administrative selection requirements. Participants who successfully passed the psychometric tests proceeded to the next stage, which involved interviews and Medical Check-Ups (MCUs). The interviews evaluated the participants’ communication skills, motivation, and personality. Meanwhile, the MCUs aimed to ensure that the participants were in good physical health to undergo the BMC training. 

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Agincourt Resources’ Manager Community Relations, Masdar Muda Hasibuan emphasized that the BMC training is one of the company’s community development and empowerment (PPM) programs in the fields of education and local economic development. This program aims to assist young people in the Batangtoru and Muara Batangtoru Districts in acquiring the expertise required in the rapidly growing heavy equipment industry.

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