Hundreds of Village Midwives and Health Workers in South Tapanuli Enhanced Knowledge to Reduce Maternal and Infant Mortality 

Aug 7, 2024

To improve the health of the community, particularly mothers and infants, in Tapanuli Selatan Regency, Agincourt Resources has once again demonstrated its commitment through the implementation of a health seminar. The event, which took place on Wednesday, August 7, 2024, targeted 150 participants consisting of village midwives and health workers from Saipar Dolok Hole and Aek Bilah Subdistricts. 

The seminar, held at the Sipagimbar Community Health Center, featured competent speakers, namely Dr. Ryan Andrian, M.Ked, Sp.OG (obstetrician-gynecologist), who presented on the topic “Optimizing the Role of Cadres and Village Midwives in Monitoring the Health of Pregnant Women to Reduce Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) and Infant Mortality Rate (IMR),” and Dr. Syahreza Hasibuan, M.Ked (Ped), Sp.PD (pediatrician), with a presentation on “Management of Seizures in Children.” 

Read Also: Healthcare Workers in Three Subdistricts Receive Specialist Doctors’ Health Seminars to Enhance Service Capacity 

The Assistant III of South Tapanuli Regency, Syahrir Siregar, representing the Regent of South Tapanuli, officially opened the seminar. In his remarks, he expressed his deep appreciation to Agincourt Resources for its initiative and contributions in improving the health of the community. 

“We greatly appreciate the efforts of Agincourt Resources in supporting health programs in South Tapanuli Regency. By inviting specialist doctors, it is hoped that the capacity and knowledge of village midwives and cadres can be improved in providing better health services,” said Syahrir Siregar. 

Read Also: Improving Maternal and Child Health, Agincourt Resources Initiated Posyandu Revitalization in South Tapanuli 

The Chairperson of the Family Empowerment and Welfare Movement (TP PKK) of South Tapanuli Regency, Rosalina Dolly Pasaribu, was also present and expressed her appreciation. She emphasized the important role of village midwives and cadres in improving the health status of the community. 

“We hope that events like this can continue and reach all districts in the South Tapanuli Regency. With better knowledge and skills, village midwives and cadres can provide excellent health services to the community, especially pregnant women, infants, and children,” said Rosalina. 

Through this activity, Agincourt Resources reaffirms its commitment to supporting sustainable development programs in its operational area. Not only focused on production activities, the company is also actively involved in various social activities aimed at improving the quality of life of the community. 


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