Strong Collaboration Becomes the Key to Success for the Agricultural Vocational School Assistance Program 

Aug 27, 2024

On Tuesday, August 27, 2024, Agincourt Resources, in collaboration with the Indonesian Center for Vocational Education and Training Development (BBPPMPV) for Agriculture in Cianjur, visited the North Sumatra Provincial Education Office. The purpose of this visit was to present the mentoring program that will be implemented in 2024 for Agricultural Vocational High Schools (SMK) in Tapanuli Selatan. 

The visit was held at the North Sumatra Provincial Education Office. Present at the meeting were the Head of BBPPMPV Agriculture Cianjur, Yusuf, BBPPMPV Agriculture Trainer Achmad Syaihu, Head of Vocational High School Development Division of the North Sumatra Provincial Education Office Suhendri, and Senior Supervisor of Community Service at Agincourt Resources Nurhanifah Pulungan. 

During the meeting, various initiatives to improve the quality of agricultural education were discussed, including the alignment of agricultural expertise programs with the needs of the business and industry world (DUDI). In addition, this program also includes improving the competence of vocational teachers through various trainings, such as post-harvest handling, agricultural business management, agricultural value chain management, as well as mathematics and science training. 

Furthermore, there are plans to improve facilities and infrastructure to support the Agricultural Crop Agribusiness and Agricultural Product Processing Agroindustry programs. Mentoring for Teaching Factories (TEFA) is also an important part of this program. As a form of evaluation and future planning, Agincourt Resources submitted the Final Report Document for 2022 and 2023, as well as an analysis of the needs for TEFA facilities at SMK Negeri 1 Batangtoru and SMK Negeri 1 Muara Batangtoru. 

Read Also: Agincourt Resources Empowers Sustainable Agricultural Practices in Direct Affected Villages

These steps are a manifestation of Agincourt Resources’ commitment to continuously supporting and improving the quality of agricultural education. By ensuring that the curriculum remains relevant and addresses the challenges of the ever-evolving agricultural industry, it is hoped that graduates of Agricultural Vocational High Schools can become competent human resources who are ready to contribute to the agricultural sector. 


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