To enhance agricultural productivity in South Tapanuli Regency, Agincourt Resources conducted a Thematic Soil Testing Training for Field Agricultural Extension Officers (PPL). The three-day training, held from December 19 to 21, 2024, at the Graha Nusantara University Hall in Padangsidimpuan, aimed to equip 43 PPL participants with accurate soil analysis skills to provide precise recommendations to farmers.
The training featured lecturers and experts from Graha Nusantara University in Padangsidimpuan as resource persons, including Yusriani, Rizky Amnah, Rasmita Adelina, Dini Puspita Yanti, Yenny Lubis, Rahmat Shaleh, Ronny Octario, and Sutan Pulungan. They shared their knowledge and experience in soil analysis and land management.
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During the training, participants were not only provided with theoretical material but also engaged in hands-on laboratory practices. They were trained to use various soil testing tools, such as GPS, microscopes, and both dry and wet soil testing kits. The material covered various aspects, ranging from proper soil sampling techniques to data analysis and interpretation.
“This training is a strategic step in improving the quality of agricultural extension services in the field. By deeply understanding soil characteristics, PPL can assist farmers in selecting suitable crops and determining precise nutritional needs,” said Masdar Muda, Manager of Community Relations at Agincourt Resources.
“We highly appreciate Agincourt Resources’ initiative in organizing this training. Through this program, it is expected that PPL can provide more specific and accurate recommendations to farmers, thereby increasing agricultural productivity in South Tapanuli Regency,” said Yusriani Nasution, Vice Rector I of Graha Nusantara University, Padangsidimpuan.
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The Head of the Agriculture Department of South Tapanuli Regency, Henry Hamdani Hasibuan, also welcomed the initiative. “This training is highly relevant to current needs. With PPL who are competent in soil analysis, we can develop sustainable agriculture and improve the welfare of farmers,” he stated.
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