Angkola Selatan, South Tapanuli, 29 May 2023 – PT Agincourt Resources, the operator of Martabe Gold Mine, expands the scope of public health services by bringing in three specialist doctors to Simarpinggan Subdistrict, Angkola Selatan District, South Tapanuli, North Sumatra. The cooperation program with the Health Agency of South Tapanuli and South Tapanuli RSUD successfully served 143 residents for free, including pregnant women, infants, toddlers, elderly, and productive-age residents.
Community Development Manager of PT Agincourt Resources, Rohani Simbolon, said the Social Program of Specialist Doctor Services is a form of the Company’s commitment to the health sector reaching vulnerable villages with access to public health services such as hospitals.
Free specialist doctor treatment was held on 27 May 2023 at Simarpinggan Puskesmas, an approximate distance of 50 kilometres from South Tapanuli RSUD in Sipirok. Of the examination of the specialist doctors of the community health conditions, the diagnosis results obtained vary, among others, cerebral palsy in 2 toddlers, glandular tuberculosis, acute respiratory infection (ARI), scabies, gallstones, kidney stones, and infertility.
Services of these 3 Specialist Doctors are carried out regularly at Batangtoru Puskesmas which serves the community from Batangtoru and Muara Batangtoru District. To reach a larger community, starting in the middle of February 2023 PT Agincourt Resources (PTAR) has expanded to other districts, such as Bandar Tarutung Village of Angkola Sangkunur district, Biru Village of Aek Bilah district, and Simarpinggan Village of Angkola Selatan district. We plan to implement Free Treatment by Specialist Doctors in the other three districts.
“We hope the results of the examination conducted in this service can be followed up by local Puskesmas to the stages of recovery and treatment monitoring, especially patients who need further treatment or reference,” said Rohani.
On Free Specialist Doctor Treatment in Simarpinggan, PTAR brought in a paediatrician dr. Syahreza Hasibuan Sp. A; an obstetrician dr. Ryan Andrian, SP.OG; and an internist dr. Abdus Somad Harahap, Sp.PD.
Acting Head of Health Agency of South Tapanuli, dr. Rudi Iskandar Harahap M.Kes, who was present in the free treatment appreciated PTAR’s action in choosing Simarpinggan Village as the location for Free Specialist Doctor Treatment. He hopes that people examined by specialist doctors who already know the diseases they suffer from can continue the treatment until their physical condition recovers and is healthy.
“Services of specialist doctors and social assistance already exist in Simarpinggan Village. We thank PTAR that has been willing to hold the Social Service of Free Treatment in Simarpinggan Village, although the distance and location are quite far from the capital of Sipirok but this is indeed what the community has been waiting for. Hopefully, this service can be fully utilized by the community,” said Rudi during the opening of the Program of Social Service of Free Treatment activity.
Free Specialist Doctor Treatment was combined with the Health Seminar held on 28 May 2023 in Batangtoru Subdistrict. In the seminar attended by dozens of health workers and posyandu cadres throughout Batangtoru and Muara Batangtoru, scabies early detection and management in children, early detection of health problems due to bladder stones, and early handling of hypertension in pregnancy were discussed.
The Program of Provision of Specialist Doctor Services at Puskesmas established by PTAR has been effectively carried out since 2020. In Batangtoru Puskesmas, PTAR brings in a gynaecologist, pediatric, internist and provides free medicines based on a doctor’s prescription and donates supporting equipment for the specialist doctor services. In 2022, 39,108 patients received services from specialist doctors. The Program of Specialist Doctor Placement in this Puskesmas even won a Gold Award in the Indonesian Sustainable Development Goals Award (ISDA) 2022.
Child Stunting Handling
In addition to holding doctor specialist services, in the health sector, PTAR just launched the Child Stunting Foster Father Program/Bapak Asuh Anak Stunting (BAAS) on 26 May 2023. The program covers the handling and recovery of child stunting in four villages in the Batangtoru district, namely Wek III Village, Wek IV Village, Hutagodang Village, and Sipenggeng Village.
Rohani explained after a specialist doctor had examined 32 children and ensured the diagnosis, seven children were screened for stunting and malnutrition. The treatment for those seven children will be conducted for 6 months, with support from PTAR in the form of milk and vitamin provision and examination from the doctor regularly. Other support comes from puskesmas in the form of providing nutritious snacks and from the village authority in the form of complementary food assistance.
“This program is carried out seriously, that will continue to be monitored and checked by the doctor regularly. Hence, the most important thing is how high the child’s quality is. In this program we also coordinate with puskemas, district PKK, village PKK, village government, and village midwives,” stated Rohani.
The appreciation of child stunting handling is expressed by the Head of the Stunting Task Force of South Tapanuli, Abdul Latif Lubis, who attended the launch of the BAAS Program. According to him, PTAR’s seriousness in handling stunting is seen through the assistance that is quite big and the consistency of aiding.
“Government suggests the minimal assistance of IDR450,000 per fostered child per month, meanwhile PTAR allocates IDR2 million per fostered child plus regular doctor’s examination. This assistance is fantastic,” he said.
According to Abdul, PTAR’s contribution to the BAAS Program will support the accelerated decrease of stunting in South Tapanuli because currently, there are still 114 children suffering from stunting in South Tapanuli. PTAR itself has assisted to address children with malnutrition and stunting since 2016.