PT Agincourt Resources (PTAR) continues to increase production targets and strengthen the Martabe Improvement Program (MIP) implementation as it enables the Company to produce efficient, effective, and innovative products. We aim to adhere to industry best practices in the sustainability management of its mining operations.
PTAR continues to analyse and report on the Company’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions linked with its operations. To further improve our efforts, we are collaborating with external consultants to analyse and refine the techniques utilised to estimate emissions data in accordance with international standards.
Waste rock management is one of the main environmental concerns at the Martabe Gold Mine. The placement of waste rock is carried out by using the encapsulant method, namely using non-acidic rocks to cover acidic rocks to prevent acid-forming materials.
Another significant activity related to biodiversity is establishing a biodiversity advisory panel. The panel will actively conduct fauna conservation such as Tapanuli Orang Utan Protection, Sumatera Tiger Conservation, and multi stakeholder partnership to conserve and preserve the biodiversity within Batangtoru Forest. We have also done flora enrichment by planting local seeds in areas surrounding the Martabe Gold Mine.
Total Energy Consumption

Total Direct GHG Emissions
(CO2 Tonnes Equivalent)

Waste Management

Water Management

Seedlings Planted

The continued exploration program has resulted in the addition of gold mineral reserves at Martabe. As of As of June 2023, the mineral resources of the Martabe Gold Mine reached a total of 6.2 million ounces of gold and 59 million ounces of silver.
The construction of ReCYN & vertimill facility, one of the recent main operational strategic projects is complete and in operation. It has contributed to the overall operations of the Martabe Gold Mine.


PTAR is committed to supporting the communities in which it operates. Our long-term success is contingent upon the support and trust of our surrounding communities and concurrently, protecting the environment from the effects of the Martabe Gold Mine’s operation is a top priority. PTAR focuses on developing local businesses by promoting income diversification to increase real income and economic independence.
A workplace that is safe, comfortable and accident free is paramount to PTAR. Since the pandemic, we have further solidified our work plans for our employees, which include personal cleanliness and safety, social distancing, testing and medical guidance.
The Company also utilises an integrated Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) Management System to achieve these objectives. This system is comprised of industry-leading practices, international standards and Indonesian regulatory requirements that apply to safety management systems for mining operations.
The Safety KPI Dashboard demonstrated a high level of compliance with critical requirements for reducing the risk of incidents, and at the same time tracking the amount of time without a lost-time injury, including the following:
- Implementation of incident investigations and corrective actions
- Implementation of monthly Departmental HSE committee meetings
- Compliance with mandatory safety training requirements
- Maintaining workplaces in good condition
- Active participation of the management team in the Active Safety Agreement (ASA) programme
PTAR values human capital as an important asset in our success. We strive to ensure that all employees’ are in a proper and conducive work environment where different cultures and backgrounds support employees growth and make them feel safe and comfortable.
Community Empowerment Costs
(Million Dollars)

Lost Time Injuries

SMKP Minerba Audit Score (%)

Total Training Hours

Percentage of Local Employees (%)

Procurement of Goods and Services from Local Contractors and Suppliers
(Million Dollars)