Agincourt Resources sets up a booth at the Women 20 (W20) Summit in Lake Toba, Parapat, North Sumatra, 18-21 July 2022
PARAPAT, 19 July 2022 – PT Agincourt Resources (PTAR), the operator of Martabe Gold Mine, took part in the Women 20 (W20) Summit in Parapat, Lake Toba, North Sumatra.
PTAR’s commitment to gender diversity is reinforced through increased participation of women and the development of equal professional competencies. Twenty-six percent (26%) of positions in PTAR are filled by women, based on their respective interests and competencies.
Rahmat Lubis, PTAR General Manager of Operations said that since 2016 PTAR has established a Gender Diversity Policy in all aspects of the company’s operations.
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We have built a culture and work environment that promotes dignity and respect, a workplace free from discrimination, intimidation, bullying or harassment. As a matter of course, we provide training and awareness programs for the workforce to increase understanding of issues of diversity and gender equality.
A number of policies serve as a basis for practising gender diversity. For example, maternity leave and paternity leave policies, codes of practice for the management of work restrictions related to pregnancy, and lactation policies that include providing facilities for breastfeeding employees to collect and store breast milk for their babies.
The immediate outcome of PTAR’s Gender Diversity Policy shows that 242 women were working in PTAR by the end of 2021, equivalent to 26% of the total PTAR employees. Ten per cent (10%) of these have succeeded in occupying management positions with roles as superintendents and above. And at the top management level, two women have been appointed as a commissioner and a director.
In the extractive sector, PTAR is the only gold mining company in Indonesia with a composition of women employees of up to 26%. This, in addition to an increase in the composition of female employees from 25% at the end of 2019 to 26% by the end of 2021 shows that company’s efforts in gender diversity have yielded positive results.
One case study in the practice of gender diversity at the Martabe Gold Mine can be detailed by Latipa Henim Siregar. Latipa was born in Batangtoru, South Tapanuli and has worked at PTAR since 2004 with her initial position as a Junior Geologist. During the 18 years of working until now, she has taken four promotions until currently occupying the position of Superintendent Grade Control Operations, Mine Geology Department.
During my work, PTAR has provided equal opportunities for women and men to develop themselves. I’ve had technical training and other training, same as male colleagues. PTAR even supported me to continue my education to the master’s level and I have completed it. Gender diversity in PTAR is not only about the number of women, but also emphasizes the quality and ability to lead, collaborate, create, and express opinions. Many women in PTAR occupy important positions and contribute positively to the company without neglecting men.
The W20 Lake Toba Summit
PTAR’s commitment to gender diversity is also demonstrated by supporting the W20 Summit. At this Summit, a number of priority issues were raised including gender equality, women’s economic inclusion, increasing the resilience of rural women and women with disabilities, and also access to gender equitable health facilities. At this event held on 18-21 July 2022, PTAR contributed to organizing the event, as well as setting up a booth to display the company profile and also gender diversity policies and women’s empowerment programs in and around the mining operation area.
Empowering Women Around the Mine Area
PTAR also opens up empowerment space for women around the mine area. PTAR’s support in creating women-based business empowerment programs includes the development of the Sahata Commissary Mini-Market and Rhizome Root Cultivation farming development business with two Women Farmers’ Groups. In addition, PTAR also oversees a Batik Business Development program for batik and derivative products in conjunction with the Batik Joint Business Group of South Tapanuli and Bator Craft Joint Business Group. This includes programs to increase capacity and sewing skills for women in Batuhula Village and Hutaraja Village.
Christine Pepah, PTAR Senior Manager of Community Relations, said that up to now 108 women from 8 business groups pread over two sub-districts in South Tapanuli have received assistance from PTAR.
PTAR is committed to providing equal opportunities to women and generating roles for women’s groups to carry out independent group activities. To increase individual and group capacity, various programs, training, and mentoring are provided to nurture capability and empowerment to run their business sustainably.
As an example, the Sahata Commissary Mini-Market business development program in the PTAR Camp has been running since 2012. This program, initiated by PTAR, has succeeded in empowering Perwiridan Yasin Nurul Huda Association (IPY Nurul Huda), Batangtoru Sub-district, which has around 1,000 members. PTAR helped provide minimarket facilities and infrastructure, increased the capacity of minimarket employees, expanded the network of cooperation with major distributors, and formed the Sahata Satahi Saoloan Cooperative as a forum that supervises IPY Nurul Huda’s business activities.
This program paid off. The income from the Sahata Commissary is used to finance the operations of IPY Nurul Huda and several household businesses are also empowered as suppliers. The Sahata Satahi Saoloan Cooperative has also succeeded in opening a simple staple food shop to meet the needs of its cooperative members. Christine continued:
The economic development program run by PTAR through empowering women’s groups has helped them to improve family economies. This program also opens up opportunities for women to work and opens up space to think, act, and socialize.

PT Agincourt Resources sets up a booth at the Women 20 (W20) Summit in Lake Toba, Parapat, North Sumatra, 18-21 July 2022. Doc: PTAR.