JAKARTA, 28 November 2022 – The operator of Martabe Gold Mine, PT Agincourt Resources, achieved the Gold rating in the 2022 Asia Sustainability Reporting Rating (ASRRAT) event and won 10 awards in the event of the 2022 Indonesia Sustainable Development Goals Award (ISDA). All of these awards proved the company’s commitment to sustainable development goals and achievements for business practices based on Environmental, Social, & Governance/ESG principles.
The President Director of PT Agincourt Resources, Muliady Sutio, said the Gold rating in the 2022 ASRRAT achieved by the company confirmed that PTAR’s Sustainability Report refers to and is in accordance with the GRI Standards, and the implemented programs have been in line with the Sustainable Development Goals.
“We believe that the holistic and multi-stakeholder approach to improve and balance the economic, social, and environmental performances of the company can make sure business continuity and growth and contribute to multiple achievements of the Sustainable Goals,” said Muliady.
The 2022 ASRRAT award which was held for the eighteenth time by the National Center Sustainability Report (NCSR) this year raised the theme “Pathway to Circular Economy.” Fifty companies participated in the 2022 ASRRAT, including companies from Bangladesh, the Philippines, Australia, and Russia.
In another opportunity, Muliady appreciated all PTAR’s employees who have worked hard in designing and implementing community dedication programs for community welfare as listed in the global and national commitments of the Sustainable Development Goals/ SDGs. These dedication efforts to the community received recognition from other parties, one of which was from the Corporate Forum for CSD Development (CFCD) which granted 10 awards of the 2022 ISDA to PTAR.
“These awards are the proof of our contributions and involvements all this time in the efforts of sustainable development. We specifically dedicate this ISDA appreciation to the community, especially the community around the Martabe Gold Mine area in South Tapanuli, North Sumatra,” said Muliady.
In the 2022 ISDA Awards held in Jakarta on 22 November 2022, PTAR won 10 awards, namely The Top Corporate Leadership on SDGs, The Most Committed Corporate on SDGs for Social Pillars, The Most Committed Corporate on SDGs for Economy Pillars, and 1 Platinum Award for the Development of Aek Pahu Environmentally-Friendly Agriculture.
Four Gold Awards were also taken home for the Specialist Doctor Placement program in the Community Health Center (Puskesmas), the Establishment of Business Opportunity Access for Women’s Group through the Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) Development based on Village Skills and Potentials, Education and Informal Education Approach of Sopo Daganak for Creative and Cultured Children, and Development of the Disaster Resilient Village (Desa Tangguh Bencana/DESTANA). In addition, PTAR won two Silver Awards for the Journalists and Media Competency Enforcement and E-Coaching Jam.
Since 2015, PTAR has guided the organic agriculture cultivation of the Farmers Group (Kelompok Tani/Koptan) of Aek Pahu located in the directly affected areas, by offering a method without using chemical/synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. PTAR also facilitated Koptan so that all cultivation processes and its production received certification from the Seloliman Organic Certification Agency and halal certification from MUI of North Sumatra. Eventually, in 2019, Aek Pahu Koptan passed the organic and halal certifications. From the area of 4 hectares, Koptan can sell its products to the areas of Batangtoru to Padangsidimpuan.
Proof of the commitment to the Environmental Conservation Principle: the Release of Sumatran Tiger “Bestie”
In its business practices, Agincourt Resources commits fully to implementing the company’s policies in line with the ESG principles. One of the implementation involvement from the Environmental criteria is PTAR’s involvement in the release of a Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae) named “Bestie”.
PTAR provided a helicopter to transport “Bestie” with the longline method from Bandar Blangkejeren, Gayo Lues District, Aceh, to the Core Zone of the Mount Leuser National Park (TNGL) on 24 November 2022.
The Director External Relations of Agincourt Resources, Sanny Tjan, said the release of Bestie is a form of PTAR’s support to the government, especially the Ministry of the Environment and Forestry (KLHK) and the Natural Resources Conservation Center (Balai Besar Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam/BBKSDA) of North Sumatra, in the fauna conservation practices. For PTAR, fauna conservation is important to be conducted to make an effort for creating sustainable biological resources and a balanced ecosystem to support improving the quality of human life.
“We are very grateful that Bestie can return to its home, and we hope it can survive and reproduce. Bestie’s return to its habitat is the harmonious collaboration result among the government, business entities, and NGOs. Thank you for this good cooperation and we hope in the future this natural conservation collaboration continues,” said Sanny.
She explained this was the third time PTAR supported the Sumatran tiger release to its habitat by providing a helicopter facility and its pilot. The first support was on 3 November 2020. At that time, PTAR’s helicopter transported a Sumatran tiger “Sri Nabilla” to Kappi-TNGL. Beforehand, “Sri Nabilla” was treated in the Tiger Sanctuary of Barumun Nagari because it entered a trap cage due to a conflict in Tapus Sipagimbal Village, Aek Bilah, South Tapanuli.
Subsequently, in 2022, precisely on 7-8 June 2022, PTAR assisted the release of the Sumatran tigers “Surya Manggala” and “Citra Kartini” to the Core Zone of Kerinci Seblat National Park (TNKS), Jambi. These siblings were formerly born and raised in Barumun Tiger Sanctuary for 3.5 years.