Batangtoru, 31 May 2023 – PT Agincourt Resources, the operator of Martabe Gold Mine, has continued to manage the processed water discharged into Batangtoru River from 2013 to the first quarter of 2023 so that it succeeds in meeting the quality standard set by the government consistently. The processed water quality level is monitored by the Processed Water Quality Monitoring Integrated Team of Martabe Gold Mine which was legitimized by the Governor of North Sumatra and is currently led directly by the Regent of South Tapanuli, Dolly Pasaribu.
Most recently, tests were carried out on the processed water from Martabe Gold Mine in the third quarter of 2022, the fourth quarter of 2022, and the first quarter of 2023. The test results were then presented through the Dissemination and Announcement of PT Agincourt Resources (PTAR) Processed Water Laboratory Results which was held at Sopo Daganak, Batangtoru, South Tapanuli, on Tuesday, 30 May 2023.
The Processed Water Quality Monitoring Team of Martabe Gold Mine Evaluation Division, Marsius Parulian Nainggolan, said that of all the parameters tested, the processed water flowing into Batangtoru River met the required quality standard.
“For the last three quarters and based on the results of laboratory tests, the processed water from Martabe Gold Mine that has been discharged into Batangtoru River is in good condition and has met the quality standard in accordance with the government regulations,” he said.
The test results were presented by a team of experts consisting of Prof. Zulkarnain Nasution, MSc; Prof. Hamdani Harahap; Dr. Nursahara Pasaribu, MSc; Drs. Chairuddin, MSc; and Ir. M. Eka Onwardana, MT. In his presentation, Chairuddin, MSc expressed his appreciation to PTAR which has consistently maintained the quality level of processed water.
“We appreciate PTAR’s efforts to consistently maintain the quality of the processed water to meet the quality standard. These efforts have been carried out continuously and have been going on for a long time,” he said.
The fulfilment of the quality of the processed water from Martabe Gold Mine is in accordance with the quality standard based on the Ministerial Decree of Environment Number 202 of 2004 concerning the Quality Standards of Wastewater for Gold and or Copper Ore Mining Businesses and or Activities; as well as the Government Regulation Number 22 of 2021, Appendix VI, Class II National Quality Standards.
There were 11 parameters analyzed, including water acidity (pH), total suspended solids (TSS), cyanide (CN), arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), mercury (Hg), nickel (Ni). zinc (Zn), lead (Pb).
Testing of the processed water discharged into Batangtoru River has been carried out by PTAR since 2012. To date, compliance with the quality standards has been continuously maintained. One of them can be seen from the pH parameter which throughout 2013 was in the range of 7.29 – 8.78, while in 2022 it was in the range of 7.05 – 7.84.
Dissemination is a Form of Transparency
In his speech, the Regent of South Tapanuli, Dolly Pasaribu, expressed his appreciation to PTAR for facilitating the dissemination event and announcement of the laboratory results of the processed water from Martabe Gold Mine. This activity is a form of PTAR’s transparency in managing processed water from mining processes.
“We hope that the community can provide suggestions and inputs on findings or what they feel, so that the relationship between PTAR and the community will be more open. I also hope that in the future the duties of the Integrated Team will be more solid,” he said.
The Regent who is also the Head of the Integrated Monitoring Team for the Quality of the Processed Water from Martabe Gold Mine emphasized that the processed water from Martabe Gold Mine discharged into Batangtoru River has no impact on the community.
Besides the Regent of South Tapanuli, the Dissemination and Announcement of PTAR Processed Water Laboratory Results on 30 May 2023 was also attended by the Head of the North Sumatra Environment and Forestry Agency (DLHK) Yuliani Siregar, North Sumatra Mine Inspector Hela Bela Syarbini, Head of South Tapanuli Environment Agency Ongku Muda Atas, as well as community representatives from 15 directly affected villages and subdistricts.
PTAR General Manager Operations, Rahmat Lubis, said the Company always tries to ensure that the water treatment system at Martabe Gold Mine has gone through a high-quality process, complied with permits, and is under very strict supervision, so that it does not impact Batangtoru River water quality. According to him, water treatment is one of the Company’s efforts in carrying out sustainable mining activities.
“Management, testing, and monitoring of mining processed water are very good processes and we do them regularly. We want to continue to maintain this process because after all we believe we are operating responsibly,” said Rahmat.
Regularly, every month the Integrated Team together with PTAR Environment Department monitors the quality of the processed water by taking water samples in Batangtoru River. The samples of the processed water were then sent to the independent laboratory of PT Intertek Utama Services. Afterwards, the results are socialized and disseminated to the community around the mine.
Since 2013, the Integrated Team has been established. Currently, the Team works based on the Decree of the Governor of North Sumatra No. 188.44/626/KPTS/2022 concerning the Integrated Monitoring Team of the Quality of Martabe Gold Mine Wastewater to Batangtoru River, South Tapanuli Regency. This team consists of regional government representatives, experts from universities, PTAR employee representatives, as well as community representatives from directly affected villages/subdistricts whose members change through the renewal of the Decree of the Governor of North Sumatra every 4 years.