Medan, 13 November 2023 – North Sumatra has borne witness to the great efforts of PT Agincourt Resources, the operator of Martabe Gold Mine, in restoring people’s eyesight through the 2023 Free Cataract Surgery Series. A total of 1,310 cataract eyes from 1,235 people were successfully treated. This number exceeded the initial target set at 1,000 eyes.
The 2023 Martabe Gold Mine Free Cataract Surgery Series which had been held since last August had finally ended at Mata Mencirim 77 Medan Hospital. Before being held in Medan, this series was held at Bhayangkara Batangtoru Hospital, Sipirok Regional Hospital, and Siantar Eye Hospital. Of 1,235 people who underwent surgery, around 66% came from South Tapanuli, the operational area of Martabe Gold Mine.
Deputy President Director of PT Agincourt Resources, Ruli Tanio, said that the Series of Free Cataract Surgery has changed the lives of thousands of North Sumatran residents who previously experienced vision problems due to cataracts and enables them to see the beauty of the world clearly again and be free from obstacles that hinder their daily activities.
Read Also: Targeting 1,300 Cataract-Free Eyes, PT Agincourt Resources Heals 226 Eyes in Pematang Siantar
“We are proud to have initiated a health program that has helped the people of North Sumatra. Cataract surgery is not only about restoring vision, but also providing hope of a better quality of life to those who may have been experiencing limited vision for a long time,” said Ruli during the closing ceremony of the 2023 Free Cataract Surgery Series at Medan Mencirim 77 Eye Hospital, Monday (13/11/2023).
Martabe Gold Mine free cataract surgery since it was first held in 2011 until now has restored more than 10,000 eyes of approximately 9,000 people and has also provided indirect benefits for tens of thousands of people, both from the patients’ own family and the surrounding community.
According to Ruli, cataract surgery organized by PT Agincourt Resources (PTAR) is clear evidence of the Company’s commitment to increasing community access to quality eye restoration and supporting the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially goal number 3, namely ensuring a healthy life and promoting prosperity for everyone at all ages.
Director of Medan Mencirim 77 Eye Hospital, dr. Syarifuddin, expressed his highest appreciation to PTAR for providing cataract surgery for underprivileged communities in a number of areas in North Sumatra.
“Many cataract sufferers in North Sumatra have been greatly helped by Martabe Gold Mine through this cataract surgery. We would like to express our infinite gratitude to PTAR for consistently providing cataract surgery and doing everything in its power to help cataract sufferers until they can see again,” he said.
Appreciation was also expressed by Bisman Harahap who accompanied her daughter who suffered from cataracts, Maesaroh (7 years), from their home in Padangsidimpuan City to Medan to undergo cataract surgery at Mencirim 77 Eye Hospital. Since the age of 2 Maesaroh had had cataracts in her right eye, but because of lack of funds and minimal access to health, treatment could not be applied.
“I am really grateful to PTAR for providing this free cataract surgery. I, who is only a small farmer, was greatly helped by this treatment. I hope Maesaroh can see clearly, can read and write fluently, and can pursue her dream of becoming an ophthalmologist,” said Bisman.
Another cataract patient, Supriadi (50 years), also expressed positive appreciation for the free cataract surgery organized by PTAR. The Deli Serdang resident works as a construction worker every day. The cataracts he had suffered for almost 2 years had made it difficult for Supriadi to work, even though he has to support his two children.
“Several times I fell while working because my vision was blurry. I also had to ask friends to take me to work. Thank God, my cataracts have been operated on. Hopefully, I can work better, not falling again,” said Supriadi.
PT Agincourt Resources Senior Manager of Corporate Communications, Katarina Siburian Hardono, added that Martabe Gold Mine free cataract surgery did not only include eye examinations and free cataract surgery, but also Cataract Information Week and talk shows that promoted cataract surgery and eye health.
Cataract Information Week which was held on 15 August 2023 in Batangtoru, South Tapanuli was attended by Batangtoru Forkopimcam (District Leadership Coordination Forum), village heads, health workers and Posyandu (Integrated Services Post) cadres who then became the frontline agents in disseminating cataract surgery to the community. At the end of the series, precisely at Medan Mencirim 77 Hospital, PTAR held a health talk show titled “Recognize Cataracts, Prevent them with Healthy Living” with the resource person, Director of Medan Mencirim 77 Eye Hospital, Dr. Syarifuddin and Internal Medicine Specialist Dr. Dian Anindita Lubis, SpPD, K-EMD.
“Martabe Gold Mine Free Cataract Surgery Series has been held from a curative and promotive perspectives which also lead to a preventive approach. Not only did patients have their eyes restored, but they also received correct information about eye health,” said Katarina.