Semarang, 16 December 2023 – PT Agincourt Resources (PTAR) the operator of Martabe Gold Mine invites all undergraduates of geology, environmental science, and disciplines related to mining throughout Indonesia to join economic geology Olympiad of Agincourt Resources, the 2024 OlympiAR themed “Harmony in the Elements, Navigating Sustainable Mining Practices.” The winning teams will take home prizes worth a total of hundreds of millions of rupiahs, and a full 3 month internship opportunity for the first winner.
By collaborating with Masyarakat Geologi Ekonomi Indonesia (MGEI)(Indonesian Society of Economic Geologists), this second OlympiAR will be held over the next 3 months. The registration period starts from 18 December 2023 to 24 January 2024.
Read Also: Promoting Sustainable Mining, Agincourt Resources Holds Mining Student Olympiad “The 2022 OlympiAR”
Director & CFO of PT Agincourt Resources, Noviandri Hakim, said that university students can utilize the 2024 OlympiAR as a forum to explore their knowledge and skills and can open a broader perspective on sustainable mining. Since during the second OlympiAR running until March 2024, university students will receive coaching and mentoring from domestic and foreign experts, in addition to cultivating their skills in problem solving and critical thinking.
“We are committed to continuously implementing sustainable mining practices by prioritizing responsible utilization of natural resources and observing its impacts on environment, community, and economy. Through OlympiAR, we would like to spread the spirit and principle of sustainability to young generation,” said Noviandri when opening the 2024 OlympiAR series at Universitas Diponegoro (Undip), Semarang, Central Java on Saturday (16/12/2023).
Company believes that sustainable mining is not only a practice, but must also be supported by scientific development obtained from various activities in campus environment, such as discussion among practitioners and academic community, researches, and competitions. OlympiAR is one of Agincourt Resources’ contributions to scientific development for sustainable mining field.
“We continuously support dialectics between scientific practices and development in the efforts to achieve sustainable mining. Adopting a sustainable mining approach is the key to ensure the sustainability of this industry in the future,” said Noviandri.
Representing the acting Governor of Central Java, Head of Central Java EMR Office, Boedyo Dharmawan appreciated PTAR which continuously demonstrates its seriousness in implementing good mining practices proven by PTAR’s achievement in winning Subroto Award and Tamasya Award. This seriousness is also shown through the OlympiAR event which serves as an essential bridge between the industry and education world.
“University students as nation’s successors must develop and be given space to learn new sciences in the industry. OlympiAR is the medium for it. Industry and academia need to provide education in respect of postmining and reclamation processes. To all university students, please be those who can apply their innovations in mining industry,” said Boedyo.
Meanwhile, the Deputy Academic Director of Universitas Diponegoro, Dr. Eng. Agus Setyawan, representing the Rector of Universitas Diponegoro, also encouraged the university students to participate in OlympiAR.
“Have a positive competition. But apart from participating in competitions, you must also collaborate. University students do not just study in class, but must also be able to build relations with many parties, including mining industry. As current challenge is the gap between university graduates and the world of work demands. OlympiAR can answer this challenge,” he said.
The opening of OlympiAR was filled with a talk show from the practitioners who were all Agincourt Resources personnel, namely the Environment Manager Mahmud Subagya, Metallurgy – Processing Manager Purhaman Agustinus, and Mineral Resources Manager Agus Nur Kasnanto. Talk show was attended by 500 university students, both online and offline, from Undip, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta, Institut Sains and Teknologi Akprind Yogyakarta, as well as Institut Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta.
Previously, the first OlympiAR taking place in 2022 was attended by 72 teams from 26 universities in Indonesia. Magsite team from Universitas Diponegoro successfully won first place. While the second winner was Sylvite team from Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) and the third winner was Enargite team from UPN Veteran Yogyakarta. PTAR provides detailed information regarding the 2024 OlympiAR on this website: and official social media of Agincourt Resources.
OlympiAR is part of E-Coaching Jam (ECJ) of Agincourt Resources. During its presence of 1 decade, ECJ has bridged communication of more than 5,000 university students throughout Indonesia with the experts of various fields, ranging from mining, geology, environment, communication, business to manpower and gender diversity.