The Role of Fathers in Preventing Stunting Must Be Enhanced

Dec 18, 2023

On Monday, December 18, 2023, at the Batangtoru Health Center Hall, Agincourt Resources, together with the Stunting Task Force, the South Tapanuli Health Office, the Batangtoru Subdistrict government, Batangtoru Health Center, the district PKK team, village PKK teams, village midwives, and health cadres, completed the mentoring for the stunting child recovery program called Bapak Asuh Anak Stunting (BAAS) for the Batangtoru Subdistrict.

During this activity, Senior Manager Community Christine Pepah emphasized that stunting is not only caused by poverty but also by parenting practices and Healthy and Clean Living Behavior (PHBS). The role of fathers also needs continuous improvement. Parents with stunted children are also encouraged to share their experiences with the community to prevent similar occurrences.

Read Also: Preventing Tuberculosis in Batangtoru and Muara Batangtoru through TOSS TB Health Promotion

Apart from the BAAS program, Agincourt Resources also takes initiatives to prevent stunting through various other programs such as Menuju Tapanuli Selatan Bebas Tuberkulosis (Towards South Tapanuli Free from Tuberculosis – ENTAS TB), revitalization of integrated health posts (posyandu) in the Batangtoru and Muara Batangtoru Subdistricts, Specialist Doctors into Villages for obstetricians and pediatricians, and waste management programs through the Batangtoru BERHIAS (Bersih, Indah, dan Asri) in 2024.


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