Batangtoru, 5 April 2024 – After passing through a rigorous judging process and eliminating hundreds of teams throughout Indonesia, the five best teams are now competing for the champion position in the 2024 Agincourt Resources Olympiad (OlympiAR). The five teams that advanced to the final round are 1 team from the University of Jenderal Soedirman, 2 teams from the Institute of Teknologi Bandung, 1 team from UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta, and 1 team from the Institute of Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta.
Yogyakarta has been asked to host the 2024 OlympiAR finals. Aside from two of the five finalist teams come from universities in the city of students, around 25% of the total applicants came from Yogyakarta and the surrounding area.
The final round of judging involving mining practitioners and academics from various regions including universities in North Sumatra will be held on May 4, 2024. On the same day, the OlympiAR 2024 winners will be announced, which is the university officials, academicians, and relevant government officials of finalist teams are invited to give support and appreciation to the finalist teams that will compete on that day.
Vice President Director of PT Agincourt Resources, Ruli Tanio, said OlympiAR is a platform provided by the Company to help students throughout Indonesia pursue the depth of sustainable mining knowledge and develop their abilities, skills, and potential. This is the Company’s commitment to participate in improving the quality of Indonesia’s human resources.
Congratulations to the five best teams, the OlympiAR Warriors, who will fight your ideas in the next final round. Also, congratulations to 200 teams from various universities in Indonesia, from Sumatra to Papua, who have dared to register for OlympiAR at the end of last year,” said Ruli.
Entering the final round, participants are given 20 days to prepare presentation materials on Further Exploration Design, Metallurgical & Processing Conceptual, and Environmental Conceptual & Impact from Geochemical data at the Barani prospect.
OlympiAR – a prestigious competition targeting students majoring in Mining, Geology, Engineering, and Environmental Sciences throughout Indonesia – has twice been held by PT Agincourt Resources (PTAR), the operator of the Martabe Gold Mine, in collaboration with the Indonesian Economic Geology Society (MGEI). Like the previous year, in OlympiAR 2024, the winning teams will take home prizes of hundreds of millions of rupiah. Not only that, the first winner also got a full 3-month internship opportunity and was financed by the Martabe Gold Mine located in South Tapanuli, North Sumatra.
The Senior Manager of Corporate Communications of PT Agincourt Resources, Katarina Siburian Hardono, said OlympiAR this time was very interesting because apart from Yogyakarta and its surroundings, many teams from Sumatra dared to register to compete and show their abilities. Call it from Syiah Kuala University, North Sumatra University, Bangka Belitung University, Jambi University, Sumatra Institute of Technology, and Lampung University. “This year there has been a significant increase in the number of participants registering at OlympiAR by 200% compared to OlympiAR 2022. After passing a rigorous validation process, 161 teams from 28 universities successfully participated in the first round of OlympiAR 2024. Until the second round, the team from Syiah Kuala University as representatives of participants from Sumatra managed to qualify in the top 20,” she explained.
OlympiAR 2024 is not only a competition but also trains students’ acumen in analyzing the potential of mineral resources that will be produced through case studies in mining areas, thus deepening their knowledge in the field of sustainable mining.
Previously, the inaugural OlympiAR which took place in 2022 was attended by 72 teams from 26 universities in Indonesia. The Magsite team from Diponegoro University won the first winner. Meanwhile, the second winner was occupied by the Sylvite team from the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) and the third winner was occupied by the Enargite team from UPN Veteran Yogyakarta.
OlympiAR is part of Agincourt Resources’ E-Coaching Jam (ECJ). For a decade it was held, ECJ has bridged the communication of more than 5,000 students in all regions of Indonesia with experts from various fields, such as mining, geology, environment, communication, business, up to employment, and gender diversity.
Support ISMC XIV
In addition to organizing OlympiAR 2024, this year Agincourt Resources supports the implementation of the 14th Indonesia Student Mining Competition (ISMC XIV) organized by the ITB Mining Student Association. ISMC is an international scale mining student competition that brings together 15 talented teams from various domestic universities, as well as from Australia and Malaysia.
In a series of ISMC XIV activities, General Manager Operations of Agincourt Resources Rahmat Lubis delivered a presentation on the operational activities of the Martabe Gold Mine in front of students. According to him, Agincourt Resources is committed to continue implementing sustainable mining practices through prioritizing the responsible use of natural resources and paying attention to its impact on the environment, community, and economy.
In addition, Rahmat continued, the strengthening and development of science, especially in the mining world, is also a commitment held by Agincourt Resources. This commitment is reflected in the implementation of OlympiAR and support for activities such as ISMC which is a medium for students to sharpen the knowledge gained from campus.
We support scientific competitions for students as part of our commitment to encourage scientific development in the field of sustainable mining,” he concluded.