Developing local human resource skills based on village potential is one of Agincourt Resources’ efforts to develop and empower communities, especially in the economic sector. Since 2023, Agincourt Resources has held numerous bridal makeup training sessions as a potential business opportunity.
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Agincourt Resources has also taken the initiative to collaborate with Azzam Henna Art Padangsidimpuan to hold Henna Art training on April 22-25, 2024 at Sopo Daganak, Napa Village. Each day, the training lasted for seven hours, from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM WIB. On the last day, the fifteen participants representing 15 mining ring villages were asked to bring their own models and practice the theories they had learned previously. The participants were very enthusiastic and the training was interactive. It is hoped that in the future, these participants can collaborate with bridal makeup groups.