SMK Negeri 2 Batangtoru Advances with Bengkel Pintar and New Road Access

Apr 29, 2024

In an effort to improve the quality and capacity of social infrastructure in vocational education and to enhance the competence of students of the Teknik Alat Berat (TAB) Department of SMK Negeri 2 Batangtoru through the Teaching Factory, Agincourt Resources has supported the construction of a Bengkel Pintar and new road access.

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The Bengkel Pintar Program in SMK is a program that provides a place for students to be introduced to the equipment they will use in their future work. Students can inspect, maintain, and practice directly on the machines used in the industry. The Bengkel Pintar Program is a necessity for SMK to produce reliable and trained workers.

The handover of the 144 m2 Bengkel Pintar and new access to the workshop was held on Monday, April 29, 2024. In his speech at the handover ceremony, Agincourt Resources Community Development Manager Rohani Simbolon hoped that the school would be able to make maximum use of the workshop so that graduates of SMK Negeri 2 Batangtoru would be able to compete in the workforce. She also expressed her hope that SMK Negeri 2 Batangtoru could become a SMK Pusat Keunggulan (SMK PK).

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The handover ceremony was attended by 35 invitees, including the Principal of SMK Negeri 2 Batangtoru Erikson Sihombing, representatives of the Education Office Branch XI Sidimpuan Mangatas, and teachers and students of SMK Negeri 2 Batangtoru.


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