Eco-Friendly Village Spirit Flourishes in Batangtoru and Muara Batangtoru: Garoga Village Wins First Place!

Jul 8, 2024

The World Environment Day 2024 celebrations in Batangtoru and Muara Batangtoru subdistricts were enlivened by the Eco-Friendly Village Competition. This event was participated by 6 villages, namely Garoga Village, Hapesong Baru Village, Hutabaru Siagian Village, Pardamean Village, Aek Pining Village, and Wek III Village, demonstrating their strong commitment to environmental conservation.

This competition became a platform for villages to inspire each other and share best practices in creating a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment. The community’s enthusiasm was also evident in their active participation in various innovative environmental programs, such as drought control, water conservation, waste management, and wastewater treatment.

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After a rigorous evaluation process, the winning villages were announced on July 8, 2024, coinciding with the Information Week for Cataract Surgery at Martabe Gold Mine. Garoga Village emerged as the First Place winner, Hapesong Baru Village as the Second Place winner, and Pardamean Village as the Third Place winner.

The Head of Garoga Village, Risman Rambe, proudly presented the various environmental conservation efforts that have been implemented in his village. “Every Friday, there is a clean-up activity to maintain the cleanliness of the environment. The ‘Satahi’ waste bank was also established to buy waste from the community, encourage recycling, and minimize littering. Garoga Village has made the Garoga River a water conservation area with fish farming. This not only preserves the river but also improves the economy of the community. As an effort to prevent flooding, a thousand trees have been planted on the riverbank,” he said. Deputy General Manager Operations Agincourt Resources, Wira Dharma Putra, expressed his admiration for the spirit of collaboration and gotong royong that was embedded in this competition. “This spirit is the key to realizing environmentally friendly villages,” he said.

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