On Wednesday, September 4, 2024, Agincourt Resources conducted a study tour to the Primate Study Center (PSSP) at Bogor Agricultural University (IPB). This visit aimed to enhance the company’s knowledge and capabilities in developing and implementing management plans for primates, particularly those inhabiting the vicinity of the Martabe Gold Mine, as well as to gain insights into the technical aspects of primate rehabilitation. Biodiversity conservation remains a paramount concern for Agincourt Resources.
The study tour brought together a team from Agincourt Resources, comprising Superintendent of Environmental Site Support Syaiful Anwar, Junior Supervisor of Environmental Biodiversity Management Mutia Rahmawati, and Supervisor of Stakeholder Relations Irham Bakti Pasaribu, with renowned experts from the PSSP. During the session, Dr. Entang Iskandar, drh. Suryo Saputro, M.Si., drh. Permanawati, and drh. Amelia Diyan Safitri shared in-depth insights into primate behavior, captive breeding management, health, and common medical ailments.
Read Also: Protect and Conserve Primates by Developing Local Tree Seeds and Seedlings
Following the engaging presentations, the Agincourt Resources team was given the opportunity to witness firsthand the research activities conducted in various PSC laboratories. This included exploring the mysteries of disease-causing microorganisms in the microbiology and immunology laboratory and observing the rehabilitation process of animals in the conservation animal laboratory.
As a follow-up to this activity, from Friday to Saturday, September 6-7, 2024, at the RecHall of the Martabe Gold Mine site, Agincourt Resources organized a training session on primate handling and evacuation. The training was attended by 27 participants from various departments within Agincourt Resources. The objective of this training was to enhance employees’ awareness and capabilities in interacting with primates frequently encountered in the mining operation area.

This training was a collaborative effort with the Scorpion Indonesia Foundation, a conservation organization with extensive experience in primate rehabilitation. Three experts from IPB’s PSC were invited as speakers. Dr. Puji Rianti delivered a presentation on general knowledge of primates, drh. Suryo Saputro discussed safe working practices with primates, and drh. Amelia D.S explained primate health management.
In addition to the lectures, participants were also given the opportunity for hands-on practice in primate handling and health examinations, and visited the Macaque Rescue Center, Hapesong, a primate rehabilitation facility managed by the Scorpion Indonesia Foundation.