Release of 9,900 Fish Seeds in Lubuk Larangan of Hapesong Lama Village, A Tangible Step in Environmental Conservation 

Sep 10, 2024

On Saturday, September 10, 2024, in a continued effort to preserve nature and support community food security, Agincourt Resources, in collaboration with the management group of Lubuk Larangan in Hapesong Lama Village, carried out the release of fish seeds. A total of 9,900 fish seeds, consisting of jurung, carp, tilapia, and gourami, were released into the protected area of the Hapesong Lama Village River. This initiative aims to conserve the river’s ecosystem, safeguard the population of local fish, particularly the jurung as an endemic species, and enhance the economic potential of the community. 

Batang Toru District Head, Mara Tinggi Siregar, in his speech, commended Agincourt Resources and the residents of Hapesong Lama Village. “This is a highly positive initiative and should serve as a model. Environmental conservation must be our collective focus. By preserving the river, we not only protect the ecosystem but also ensure benefits for future generations,” he said. 

 Gustina, Head of Lubuk Larangan in Hapesong Lama Village, expressed her gratitude for the support from Agincourt Resources. “We are very grateful for the donation of these fish seeds. With the increase in the fish population, we hope that our fishermen’s catches will improve and that the community’s welfare will continue to grow,” she said. 

Read Also: Thousands of Jurung Fish Seeds were Released in Lubuk Larangan to Preserve Biodiversity 


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