Enhancing Disaster Emergency Response Skills and Awareness through Destana Jamboree 

Jun 3, 2024

To enhance disaster emergency response skills and strengthen awareness and cooperation between the government, communities, TNI and Polri, and the private sector in preparedness and response to disaster hazards, the Tapanuli Selatan Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) collaborated with Agincourt Resources to hold the Desa Tangguh Bencana (Destana) Jamboree on Sunday to Monday, June 2-3, 2024, in the yard of the Tapanuli Selatan Regent’s Office. 

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The event was opened by the Regent of Tapanuli Selatan, Dolly Pasaribu. On the first day, 130 Jamboree participants, who were volunteers from eight Agincourt Resources-trained Destana and students from five high schools in Sipirok, witnessed a disaster response simulation performed by the Tapanuli Selatan BPBD team. The participants then participated in four categories of competitions: tent assembly and disassembly, disaster victim handling, quiz, and public kitchen. On the second day, a Disaster Preparedness Apel was held, attended by elements of BPBD, Satpol PP, Basarnas, TNI, and Polres. The apel’s inspector was the Tapanuli Selatan Police Chief, AKBP Yasir Ahmadi. 

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During the Jamboree, Agincourt Resources also donated two motorcycles fire engines, which were received directly by the Regent of Tapanuli Selatan. In addition, the company also provided trophies and coaching money to the winners of the first day’s competition totaling Rp21.8 million. The Regent of Tapanuli Selatan, Dolly Pasaribu, expressed his gratitude for Agincourt Resources’ contribution to the disaster risk reduction and mitigation program in the regency. 


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