Lighting Up Young Minds: Martabe Goes to School at SMA Negeri 1 Batang Toru 

Sep 13, 2024

On Friday, September 13, 2024, Agincourt Resources once again held the “Martabe Goes to School” program. This time, SMA Negeri 1 Batang Toru hosted the inspiring event attended by 4 teachers and 100 students. 

Through this program, Agincourt Resources aims to encourage the younger generation to become a golden generation with a high fighting spirit, a never-give-up attitude, and a grateful heart. This aligns with the statement of Superintendent of Community Relations, Sugeng Maskat, who emphasized the importance of fostering a positive spirit among students. “We want students in Batang Toru to have big dreams and dare to pursue them,” he said. 

Read Also: Martabe Goes to School and Martabe Mengajar Brightens the Future of Local Education

Superintendent of Community Services, Yayan Nuryawan, added that this program is one form of Agincourt Resources’ concern for education. “We hope that activities like this can provide extra motivation for students to continue learning and developing themselves,” he explained. 

During the event, students not only listened to motivation from the speakers but also participated in various interesting activities designed to stimulate creativity and critical thinking. 

Read Also: Martabe Prestasi Goes to School, Increases Student Motivation Towards Higher Education

Through the “Martabe Goes to School” program, Agincourt Resources hopes to make a real contribution to improving the quality of education in Batang Toru. With new knowledge and enthusiasm, it is hoped that the students can achieve commendable achievements and become a qualified next generation. 


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