In a concerted effort to promote the local creative industry, Agincourt Resources, in collaboration with the Tapanuli Selatan Regency Government, organized the “Kemilau Batik Tapsel” Fashion Show on Saturday, December 7, 2024, at Hotel Mega Permata, Padangsidimpuan. The fashion show featured a diverse collection of outfits showcasing 15 motifs of Tapanuli Selatan batik, designed by local 6 designers using fabrics produced by Batik Tapsel, one of Agincourt Resources’ fostered SMEs. Models from Tapanuli Selatan and Padangsidimpuan confidently graced the runway.
The event attracted a wide array of attendees, including the Regent of Tapanuli Selatan, Dolly Putra Parlindungan Pasaribu; the Chairperson of the Tapanuli Selatan Regional National Craft Council (Dekranasda), Rosalina Dolly Pasaribu; Agincourt Resources’ General Manager of Operations & Deputy Director of Operations, Rahmat Lubis; along with designers, influencers, and SME players supported by Agincourt Resources.
In his remarks, Rahmat Lubis emphasized the critical role of SMEs in supporting the regional economy. “SMEs are the backbone of our economy. By supporting them, we not only enhance community welfare but also contribute to regional economic growth,” he stated.
The Regent of Tapanuli Selatan, Dolly Putra Parlindungan Pasaribu, expressed his appreciation for Agincourt Resources’ initiative in hosting the event. He acknowledged the challenges faced by the batik industry in Tapanuli Selatan in the past, noting that with the support of various stakeholders, including Agincourt Resources, the industry is beginning to revive.

“The Tapanuli Selatan Regency Government is committed to continuously supporting SME development, particularly in the batik industry. We hope that events like this will help Batik Tapsel gain broader recognition and appeal,” said Dolly.
Rosalina Dolly Pasaribu, Chairperson of Dekranasda Tapanuli Selatan, extended her gratitude to Agincourt Resources for its support of local SMEs. She expressed her hopes that this fashion show would serve as a stepping stone to bring Batik Tapsel to the national stage. “We invite all stakeholders to continue supporting SMEs in Tapsel to ensure their sustainable growth. May Batik Tapsel become a regional pride capable of competing at the national level,” she concluded.
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