Do you Want to Work in a Mining Company? Check Out the Pros and Cons

Do you Want to Work in a Mining Company? Check Out the Pros and Cons

Working in a mining company is indeed a dream for many people because it is considered to have more value or benefits than working in other industrial sectors. Taking a crucial choice is a big decision. When it comes to making an important choice like have a carrier...

Mining Safety Training at PT Agincourt Resources

Mining Safety Training at PT Agincourt Resources

Mining is one of the high-risk industries. In the mining industry, Mining Safety is an important aspect that needs to be implemented. This is regulated in the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Decree No. 26 of 2018 concerning Good Mining Principles, namely by...

The Use of Renewable Energy in Modern Mining 

The Use of Renewable Energy in Modern Mining 

Earth Day, celebrated every year on April 22 since 1970, is widely recognized as the largest secular observance in the world, marked by more than a billion people every year as a day of action to change human behaviour and create global, national and local policy...

Kartini Day and Form of Equality in Martabe Gold Mine  

Kartini Day and Form of Equality in Martabe Gold Mine  

Each year on April 21, we celebrate Kartini Day at Martabe Gold Mine. Kartini Day is a national day in Indonesian that was first officially celebrated in 1964, established by the first Indonesian president Sukarno to commemorate the life of Raden Ajeng Kartini (fondly...

The Implementation of Socially Responsible Mining 

The Implementation of Socially Responsible Mining 

In recent years, concerns about the social responsibility of industry have become an increasingly high-profile issue in many countries and industries, none more so than the mining industry. Social issues including the environmental and human health consequences of...

3 Tips to Stay Fit during Work in Ramadan Fasting 

3 Tips to Stay Fit during Work in Ramadan Fasting 

Fasting during the month of Ramadan is as much a mental challenge as it is a physical one. But there are so many health benefits of fasting that have been backed by science, such as:  Removes toxins from the body  Helps in fighting inflammation ...

7 Common Uses of Gold in Everyday Life 

7 Common Uses of Gold in Everyday Life 

Gold is one of the most highly-desired and useful metals in the world. Gold occupies an important place in our culture and society. It symbolizes power, beauty, purity, and accomplishment.   Many people are familiar with the use of gold in jewelry and investment....

The History of Gold Usage in Medicine 

The History of Gold Usage in Medicine 

Gold has been used for medical purposes since the ancient age. The earliest medical use of gold can be traced back to the Tiongkok in 2500  “Before Christ” (BC), and it was widely used by physicians and surgeons. For example, pure gold was used to treat furuncles,...