PT Agincourt Resources is committed to improving and safeguarding the communities and the environments in which we work and live. We take our environmental responsibilities seriously and are honored to contribute to the communities and to a better world.

In 2023, the Company realized a budget of USD2,103,390 to support the implementation of the PPM Program, which benefited more than 18,367 people through various programs and initiatives.
We believe in creating shared value for all our stakeholders. This is reflected in the positive legacies we leave in our communities and the people whose lives we have touched. Our approach is to ensure we bring meaningful and lasting benefits to the communities in areas where we operate, while maintaining the viability of our business. Where possible, we will employ local people and purchase local goods and services through our supply chains to support and empower local businesses. We aim to support the development of diversified and resilient local communities and economies and contribute to quality-of-life improvements that continue beyond the life of our mine.
To ensure that Martabe Gold Mine’s presence benefits the local communities socially, economically and environmentally, we have carried out various programs, to encourage community independence, focussing on five key areas.

Free Cataract Surgery “Buka Mata, Lihat Indahnya Dunia” is one of our leading social responsibility programs that has been running since 2011. This program has succeeded in restoring the eyesight of 8,945 cataract sufferers in North Sumatra.
In 2022, we bring back the Free Cataract Surgery “Buka Mata, Lihat Indahnya Dunia” at Bhayangkara Hospital Level IV Batangtoru and Special Eye Hospital Mencirim 77 Medan. Cataract is the main cause of blindness in North Sumatra and in Indonesia. Cataracts can only be cured through surgery. We expect that this program can give hope to the sufferers.
The series of the Free Cataract Surgery “Buka Mata, Lihat Indahnya Dunia” in Batangtoru Sub-District, South Tapanuli on 14, 24 September and 14 and 15 October 2022 succeeded in restoring the eyesight of 525 cataract sufferers.
We provide support for the availability of specialist doctors at the Batangtoru Health Center to facilitate access to health services for the community in Batangtoru and Muara Batangtoru Sub-Districts. There are three specialist doctor services, namely obstetrics, paediatrics and internal medicine specialists. This is one proof of our commitment to continue to support the improvement of public health in South Tapanuli.
The awarding of the Martabe Prestasi Scholarship is a form of our strong commitment to advancing education in South Tapanuli, particularly in Batangtoru and Muara Batangtoru Sub-Districts, the areas where we operate. Since it was first launched in 2017, until 2022, the total value of the scholarships we have disbursed has reached IDR5.54 billion and has had a positive impact on 1,255 students.
The awarding of the 2022/2023 Martabe Prestasi Scholarship was given to a total of 288 students with a total value of IDR 1.87 billion. The Martabe Prestasi Scholarship allows students in South Tapanuli to get the best opportunities and access to education which is expected to boost the quality of life for the community.
Doni Kurniawan Nasution, a teacher at SMKN 2 Batangtoru explained the Martabe Gold Mine operation to the students of SMKN 2 Batangtoru through a mock-up that was donated by PT Agincourt Resources (PTAR). Through this mockup, it is hoped that students can better understand gold mining operations.
The feasibility of educational facilities and infrastructure in the Batangtoru Sub-District is also one of our concerns to support the quality of education in South Tapanuli. In 2020, we assisted in the construction of a 210-meter road to SMKN 2 Batangtoru. Not only that, we also assisted in improving the road drainage and traffic signs.
Laung Lubis, Supervisor Education, Community with the teaching staff of SMK Negeri 2 Batangtoru, South Tapanuli. We, together with PT United Tractors Tbk, are committed to improving vocational education through the SOBAT Program.
SMK Negeri 2 Batangtoru received assistance with learning facilities in the form of a work safety simulator. The assistance we provided includes mining safety simulators and heavy equipment such as electrical hazard simulators, isolation system simulators, toolbox sets, compare tools, waste sorting simulators (3R), weightlifting simulators, demonstrations on the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), and Light Fire Extinguisher Simulator (APAR).
Our support for the construction of classroom units and their furniture for SDN No. 100702 Batangtoru. This assistance is provided to increase the acceleration of quality and education services following the Regulation of the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 24 of 2007 concerning Standards for Facilities and Infrastructure for SD/MI, SMP/MTs, and SMA/MA.
The Mulia Bakti Cooperative, Sumuran Village, Batangtoru Sub-District, grind the harvested corn. The Mulia Bakti Cooperative is one of our assisted farmer groups that consistently sells dent corn and other derivative products. Sales are not only in Batangtoru, but also reach Padangsidimpuan and Sibolga. Mulia Bakti Cooperative has received support in the form of warehouse construction, repair and modification of corn thresher/crusher machines.
Aek Pahu Griya Upa Tondi Agricultural Area is an agricultural area assisted by PTAR which is located next to the mining area. This area is at the same time prepared and designed as education, training and development related to technology and marketing efforts for organic rice fields and animal husbandry.
A total of 17,000 seeds of jurung and carp fish have been released in Lubuk Larangan, Garoga River, Batangtoru Sub-District. We supported the provision of these fish seeds and fully realized that Lubuk Larangan is a hereditary culture carried out as an effort to preserve the river and its water biota.
Members of the Mulia Bakti Cooperative, Sumuran Village, Batangtoru Sub-District, grind the harvested corn. The Mulia Bakti Cooperative is one of our assisted farmer groups that consistently sells dent corn and other derivative products. Sales are not only in Batangtoru, but also reach Padangsidimpuan and Sibolga. Mulia Bakti Cooperative has received support in the form of warehouse construction, repair and modification of corn thresher/crusher machines.
Meriah Tinambunan, Senior Supervisor of SME Development, Community Development Department in discussion with farmers who are members of the Torop Jaya Women Farmers Group (KWT) in Sumuran Village. KWT Torop Jaya is one of our assisted groups in the development of processed rhizome root products, such as wedang lemongrass, wedang secang, and ginger juice.
Meta Sagala, a member of the Women Farmers Group (KWT) Torop Jaya in Sumuran Village shows the results of rhizome root cultivation. In addition to supporting KWT Torop Jaya through the development of processed products, we also help build a greenhouse that is used as a place for sowing turmeric and ginger seeds.
Shanty Budi Lestari, showed one of the batik fabrics produced by the South Tapanuli Batik Joint Business Group (KUBE) to Nurlailah, Supervisor of Business Development & Analyst and Meriah Tinambunan, Senior Supervisor SME Development, Community Development Department. We assist the business group from production to marketing.
The Sarop Do Mulana Cooperative is a community business group that can recycle used wood pallet waste into various furniture and raw materials. This cooperative is a partner as well as fostered by our Community Development and Empowerment (PPM) program. Not only can it be processed into furniture, but wood pallets can also be turned into sawdust using a woodchipper, which is then reused as raw material for making compost which is used in the process of seeding and planting plants in the operational area of the Martabe Gold Mine.
Peternakan Terpadu (PADU), is a program introduced as an alternative to local potential-based livelihoods. The assistance we have provided is in the form of land preparation, construction of cages, procurement of broodstock, training, mentoring, internships and field schools.
We continue to support the quality improvement of health services in South Tapanuli, particularly in Batangtoru and Muara Batangtoru sub-districts. One of them was through the handover of supporting facilities for the Batangtoru Level IV Hospital, namely the radiology Room and morgue, as well as the Wastewater Treatment Plant (IPAL) building.
General Manager Operations Rahmat Lubis handed over additional support facilities in the form of a radiology room, mortuary, and Wastewater Treatment Plant (IPAL) Bhayangkara Hospital Level IV Batangtoru to the Head of Medicine and Health of the North Sumatra Regional Police Kombes Pol drg. Agustinus Mulyanto Hardi.
Puskesmas Batangtoru, is one of the public health facilities that has been handed over to the Regency Government of South Tapanuli Regency since 2015. Not only the physical development, we also provided various other forms of support such as ambulance and specialist doctor services.
SMK Negeri 2 Batangtoru is the first vocational school with a focus on mining education in North Sumatra. We have provided various supports for SMK Negeri 2 Batangtoru, starting from improving the quality of educational facilities and infrastructure, to including the school as part of the Sekolah Binaan PT United Tractors, Tbk (SOBAT) program.
Improving the quality of life and hygiene is one of the focuses of our Community Development and Empowerment Program (PPM). In Telo Village, Batangtoru, we have provided access to clean water to 100 families and supported the defecation-free free program as one of the pillars of Community-Based Total Sanitation.
Our commitment to enhancing public facilities for the community remains unwavering, including places of worship. We actively support the construction of new worship spaces, such as mosques and churches, and work towards improving the facilities within them, such as ablution areas, and more. In 2022, we successfully renovated Masjid Al-Iman and Masjid Riyadhul Muttaqin in Sipenggeng Village, while also upgrading the restroom facilities in 14 places of worship located in Batu Horing Village.
The students of SDN No. 100702 in Batuhula Village, Batangtoru line up before entering the classroom. In 2021, we assisted in the construction of two classrooms and their furniture as well as the renovation of four classrooms and a 100-meter-long sewer to support the acceleration of quality and education services.
Nuryakin Galingging, Dayat Hutasuhut, Rusli Nasution, and Adam Panggabean, Village Based Development Officers, Community Development Department ensured that the solar-powered irrigation facility in Pulogodang Village, Batangtoru District, supported by PTAR, worked well for the community’s rice fields. Agriculture is one of the main economic sectors in South Tapanuli.
In the socio-cultural sector, we have also delivered a Christian religious development program, namely through the distribution of food packages to underprivileged communities which were distributed through 21 churches in Batangtoru and Muara Batangtoru sub-districts and material donations to a number of churches. Not only that, to celebrate Christmas with the community, we also held Awakening and Spiritual Awakening (KKR) activities.
PT Agincourt Resources (PTAR) ‘s support for the construction of classroom units and their furniture for SDN No. 100702 Batangtoru. This assistance is provided to increase the acceleration of quality and education services following the Regulation of the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 24 of 2007 concerning Standards for Facilities and Infrastructure for SD/MI, SMP/MTs, and SMA/MA.
Sopo Daganak is one of the results of the community development program for the infrastructure sector in the form of an open theatre (amphitheatre). With a capacity of 500 people in an area of 4,431 m2, Sopo Daganak is the first building specifically built as a means of art and culture preservation for the community around the mine, also in South Tapanuli.
Children from Batuhoring, Ronggang Village took an afternoon bath together. We supported the provision of clean water facilities in Batuhoring through the construction of a 1,520 meter HDPE pipe and one intake tub unit to collect water, as well as five water stoves which were distributed to the community.
Local runners from Batangtoru Sub-District. We have continuously provided support for youth development and sports, one of which was through mentoring young runners. They also successfully received various achievements in national and international events such as the Mandiri Jogja Marathon and the Samosir Lake Toba Ultra Marathon.
Dastri Sejoli, one of the officers from Napa Village was serving the administration of a community member, Parlindungan Sihombing. Napa Village Napa Village is one of the pilot villages for the PT Agincourt Resources (PTAR)-assisted Village Digitization program. It is hoped that through this pilot program the village office can improve services to the community by utilizing digital technology.
The Community Relations Department team is providing guidance to the officers of the Napa Village Office, Batangtoru Sub-District, South Tapanuli. Napa Village is one of the pilot villages for the Village Digitization program assisted by PT Agincourt Resources (PTAR). The Village Digitization Program encourages village officials to continue to innovate and be creative through the digital means of the site.
Gondang topap traditional music practice is one of the programs in Sopo Daganak to preserve art and culture. Gondang topap traditional music training in collaboration with the South Tapanuli Arts Council (DKTS) as a trainer and 44 children from 15 villages around the mine, namely from Batangtoru and Muara Batangtoru Sub-Districts.
Abdan Nasution Liaison Officer of the Community Relations Department gave directions to the children participating in the dance and gondang topap training program in Sopo Daganak. We fully support the preservation of South Tapanuli traditional culture and arts through various development dan training programs.
Edwin Nasution, Senior Officer of Community Liaison, Community Relations Department, explained to the community who were participating in the Community Visit regarding mining operations by the Martabe Gold Mine on the lookout. The Community Visit is a form of our transparency towards the community as one of the stakeholders.
by ptar2022 | Mar 5, 2025 | Blog, Social Programs | 0 Comments
On Wednesday, March 5, 2025, Agincourt Resources held the kick-off event for the Monitoring and Evaluation (Monev) Forum program alongside the monitoring team formed...
by ptar2022 | Feb 26, 2025 | Blog, Social Programs | 0 Comments
Agincourt Resources held a free medical program, "Specialist Doctors Enter the Village," in Kota Tua Village, Tano Tombangan District (Tantom), on Wednesday, February...
by ptar2022 | Feb 25, 2025 | Blog, Social Programs | 0 Comments
The Batang Toru Community Health Center (Puskesmas) and Huta Godang Auxiliary Health Center (Pustu) have officially been designated as pilot facilities for the...
by ptar2022 | Feb 23, 2025 | Blog, Social Programs | 0 Comments
On Sunday, February 23, 2025, Agincourt Resources participated in the opening of the lubuk larangan (restricted fishing area) in Hapesong Lama Village, Batang Toru....
by ptar2022 | Feb 21, 2025 | Blog, Social Programs | 0 Comments
In commemoration of National Waste Awareness Day 2025, Agincourt Resources organized the "Clean Friday" initiative within the work areas and office premises of the...
by ptar2022 | Feb 18, 2025 | Blog, Social Programs | 0 Comments
As part of our commitment to support the educational sector, Agincourt Resources has provided assistance for the construction and renovation of classrooms at five...
by ptar2022 | Feb 18, 2025 | Blog, Social Programs | 0 Comments
In commemoration of National K3 Month 2025, Agincourt Resources once again organized a humanitarian action through a blood donation event held over two days, Monday and...
by ptar2022 | Feb 16, 2025 | Blog, Social Programs | 0 Comments
In commemoration of National Occupational Health and Safety (K3) Month 2025, Agincourt Resources held a National K3 Seminar titled The Role of Family in Reducing the...
by ptar2022 | Feb 15, 2025 | Blog, Social Programs | 0 Comments
Agincourt Resources held a Workshop and Team Building in the Vocational Education Development Program for SMK Negeri 1 Batang Toru and SMK Negeri 1 Muara Batang Toru on...
by ptar2022 | Feb 13, 2025 | Blog, Social Programs | 0 Comments
In commemoration of National Waste Awareness Day (HPSN) 2025, Agincourt Resources organized the "Martabe Goes to School" event at SMP Negeri 1 Batang Toru and SMA...
by ptar2022 | Feb 11, 2025 | Blog, Social Programs | 0 Comments
On Tuesday, February 11, 2025, Agincourt Resources held the Mamborgo-borgoi event on the grounds of Sopo Nauli, at the Martabe Gold Mine site. Mamborgo-borgoi is a...
by ptar2022 | Feb 11, 2025 | Blog, Social Programs, Uncategorized | 0 Comments
Kicking off 2025, Agincourt Resources conducted the "Martabe Goes to School" program at SMA Negeri 1 Batang Toru on Tuesday, February 11, 2025. The event featured Dr....