Medan, 14 April 2023 – PT Agincourt Resources (PTAR) announces the winners of the 2023 Journalistic Work Competition of the Martabe Gold Mine, a competition event for journalists of print, online, and electronic mass media in Indonesia that is carried out regularly by PTAR since 2017.
This year, the theme raised was “Sustainable Mining Practices at the Martabe Gold Mine: Growing Together with Community and Environment”.
Huyogo Simbolon from won first place with an article titled “Collaboration Eradicates the Myth of Tuberculosis in South Tapanuli.” For this achievement, Huyogo received a prize of Rp17 million.
Roganda Malau from Kompas TV Medan won second place with the title of “Mining Model of Environmental and Social Insights in Batangtoru.” He took home a prize of Rp12 million.
Meanwhile, third place was pinned to an article titled “Martabe Gold Mine Operator Aims to Rehabilitate 4.7 Ha of Land” by Apriadi Gunawan from The Jakarta Post. Apriadi was entitled to a prize of Rp8 million.
In addition to the main three winners, the Favorite Winner was given to Dame Ambarita from Metro Siantar who wrote an article titled “Serious with the Sustainability Issue, PTAR Moves from Upstream to Downstream.” Dame received a prize of cash worth Rp 4 million.
Then, Fourth Winners were acquired by Ayu Prasandi by Tribun Medan, Ali Imran from, Eko Kurniawan from Waspada Online, and Riswandi from Realitas Online. Each winner got a prize worth Rp2.5 million.
Meanwhile, for Fifth Winners, each of whom was entitled to take home a prize of Rp1 million, fell to Wahyudi Aulia Siregar from Okezone, Benny Setiawan from, Arifin Al Alamudi from IDN Times Sumut, and Agatha Olivia Victoria from Antara. In addition to those prizes, PTAR gave an opportunity with certain awards to a number of winners for their writing contributions.
The award ceremony for the winners of the 2023 Journalistic Work Competition of the Martabe Gold Mine was held on 13 April 2023 in Medan, coinciding with an event of Strengthening Relationship and Breaking a Fast with Martabe Gold Mine that was attended by dozens of journalists.
Senior Manager of Corporate Communications of PT Agincourt Resources, Katarina Siburian Hardono, gave the highest appreciation to all journalists who had sent their best work. It was recorded that 37 journalistic pieces participated in the 2023 Journalistic Work Competition of the Martabe Gold Mine.
“Congratulations to all journalists of the competition participants for their outstanding work. Keep working to produce high-quality journalistic pieces that can benefit community and maintain your enthusiasm to participate again in the Journalistic Work Competition of the Martabe Gold Mine next year,” Katarina said.
All journalistic work that was submitted to the committee of the competition had been assessed objectively by the judges that consisted of Editor in Chief of Kumparan Arifin Asydhad, Lecturer at Dr. Soetomo Press Institute (LPDS) Maria Dian Andriana, and Deputy Editor in Chief of Harian Kompas Paulus Tri Agung Kristanto.
First Winner, Huyogo Simbolon, admitted that he was very happy and honored to be able to win the journalistic work competition held by the operator of the Martabe Gold Mine, PT Agincourt Resources.
“This winning gives me motivation and faith to keep pursuing my passion. Thank you to the judges and all parties that have given me support and this opportunity,” Huyogo said.