Sipirok, 13 October 2023 – PT Agincourt Resources, the operator of Martabe Gold Mine, has allocated an additional quota of 30% for free cataract surgery from the initial target of 1,000 eyes to 1,300 cataract-free eyes in 2023. Publicenthusiasm for participating in the 2023 Free Cataract Examination and Surgery Series “Open Your Eyes and See the Beauty of the World”. In South Tapanulialone, 861 eyes of 821 patients successfully underwent cataract surgery, about 15% come from directly affected villages (DAV).
In detail, as many as 760 eyes of 725 patients were operated on at Bhayangkara Hospital, Batangtoru, from 10 September to 12 October 2023. Meanwhile, cataract surgery at Sipirok Regional Hospital which took place on 11-12 October 2023, 101 eyes of 96 patients were operated on.
Read Also: Agincourt Resources Holds 7 Rounds of Free Cataract Surgery in 4 locations in North Sumatra
President Director of PT Agincourt Resources, Muliady Sutio, said the company immediately decided to increase the quota after seeing great public enthusiasm for participating in cataract surgery in Batangtoru. It is hoped that the additional 300 eyes will be able to answer the needs of people suffering from cataracts, especially those from underprivileged families and those living in areas with limited access to health services.
Muliady congratulated the patients who had strove to restore their vision, so that they could live productive, confident lives and contribute to their families and local community.
“Appreciation for patients who have undergone cataract surgery because they are people who do not give up easily. With high humanitarian spirit, we facilitated them to be able to see the beauty of the world. We also thank the South Tapanuli Regency Government and all parties involved who have supported the implementation of this free cataract surgery,” said Muliady after removing the patient’s eye bandage at Sipirok Regional Hospital, Thursday (12/10/2023).
The Regent of South Tapanuli, Dolly Pasaribu, and the Head of the South Tapanuli Health Service, Mawarni Batubara, also attended the ceremony, including the President Director of Sipirok Regional Hospital, Muhammad Firdaus Batubara, and the Director of Mencirim 77 Medan Eye Hospital, Syarifuddin.
“We would like to thank PT Agincourt Resources which has consistently provided free cataract surgery every year until now.Hundreds of South Tapanuli residents’ eyes were successfully operated on, this is an extraordinary effort,” said the Regent of South Tapanuli, Dolly Pasaribu.
He also appreciated PTAR for making many contributions to the community in the health sector, even extended to outside DAV, one of which is to Biru Village, Aek Bilah District, through the Specialist Doctor Services Program.
PT Agincourt Resources Senior Manager of Corporate Communications, Katarina Siburian Hardono, added that after successfully holding free cataract surgery in South Tapanuli, the Company will carry out cataract surgery at two points, namely Siantar Eye Hospital in Pematang Siantar City on 20-21 October and Mencirim 77 Eye Hospital, Medan on 11-12 November.Thus, the 2023 Martabe Gold Mine Free Cataract Examination and Surgery Series reaches four locations in North Sumatra.
“For the 2023 cataract surgery, PTAR is collaborating with Mencirim 77 Medan Eye Hospital which has 18 years of experience performing cataract surgery. In Batangtoru, we are collaborating with the National Police and using the facilities of Bhayangkara Hospital. Meanwhile, in Sipirok, the capital of South Tapanuli, we are collaborating with. Sipirok Regional Hospital,” said Katarina.
2023 will be the ninth year that PTAR has held free cataract surgery. Since it was first held in 2011 until now, cataract surgery held by PTAR has cured more than 10,000 eyes of around 8,000 people and provided indirect benefits to tens of thousands of people, not only to the patients’ families,but also to the surrounding community.
Ima Lubis, one of them. She is a cataract patient who underwent successful surgery at Sipirok Regional Hospital on 11 October 2023. This resident of Aek Nangali Village, Batang Natal District, Mandailing Natal, works daily as a canteen-keeper at an elementary school. Her right eye hadcataracts, so her clear vision was only a maximum of 1 meter.
Ima said cataracts really disrupted her routine as a canteen-keeper. Her activities were limited so her husband had to help her. “Thank God, my vision after this surgery is very clear. Activities can return to normal. The administration process is very fast and there is absolutely no pain. Thank you very much, PTAR,” said Ima.
Meanwhile, Jonder Hasibuan, a resident of Arse District, is also grateful to have undergone cataract surgery at Martabe Gold Mine. For 3 years suffering from cataracts, this father of four children could not see objects clearly. As a result, his work in the fields often stalled.
“After the surgery, my activities in the fields will definitely run more smoothly,and will automatically be more economically productive. Thank you,PTAR for this free program. We as thecommunity, especially those who are less fortunate, have been greatly helped,” he said.