Batangtoru, 23 December 2023 – PT Agincourt Resources, the operator of Martabe Gold Mine successfully took home the 2023 Green Proper Award from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) of the Republic of Indonesia. The award was presented by the Deputy Minister of KLHK Alue Dohong to PT Agincourt Resources External Director Sanny Tjan at Bidakara Hotel, Jakarta, Rabu (20/12).
“This award serves as the clear evidence of our commitment, not only to complying with the regulations, but also to exceeding the expectation in the practices of environmental management. We will continue to innovate and collaborate to achieve better sustainability goals,” said Sanny.
PT Agincourt Resources has continuously demonstrated its commitment to sustainability practices in all aspects of its operations. According to Sanny, PT Agincourt Resources consistently analyses and reports Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions produced, water utilization, hazardous processing residue management, and biodiversity management of Company operations and supporting activities.
Read Also: Agincourt Aiming at Green Proper Rating On Track for Sustainable Environmental Management
“Until now, we continue the environmental programs which are fundamental, structured, and collaborative with all stakeholders,” she said.
Green Proper is the result of performance assessment when a company can comply with the policies related to environmental management and has exceeded the expectation or beyond compliance. By achieving Green Proper, PT Agincourt Resources successfully proves its commitment to the best management of sustainable mining.
Green Proper assessment criteria consist of 7 aspects, namely the implementations of environmental management system, energy efficiency efforts, emission reduction efforts, B3 waste management, non-B3 solid waste management, water conservation and wastewater pollution load reduction, and biodiversity protection.
According to the data from KLHK, there were 3,694 companies participating in the 2023 Proper. As many as 79 companies received Gold Proper. 196 companies received Green Proper. 2,131 companies received Blue Proper and 1,077 companies received Red Proper.
The Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Ma’ruf Amin in his speech said that this present world faces environmental issues, namely climate change, biodiversity loss, and environmental pollution.
“These environmental issues are universal issues demanding thorough and collective solutions. One of them is through sustainble development. The success of sustainable development needs support from all sectors and stakeholders starting from the government, academicians, communities and business entities,” said Ma’ruf Amin.
Hence, he continued, Proper program should serve as a platform for companies to take part in sustainable development, mainly to prevent environmental damage and pollution resulting from industrial activities.
“Therefore, Proper should become a compass that can guide sustainable business practices by applying green economic principles, can even encourage achievement beyond industrial compliance with environmental ragulations,” he concluded.