Dastri Sejoli Dahyuni, 25 years old, takes an ambling walk from her home to Sopo Daganak, a creative activities centre for kids in Batang Toru sub-district, South Tapanuli where she serves as an activities coordinator. Dastri’s childhood may not be as fortunate as the kids today in her neighbourhood. At that time, she and her friends didn’t have so many facilities while playing and spending their time after school. They just played around at their home’s front yard, or in the fields. But today, the kids in the Batangtoru Subdistrict are provided with Sopo Daganak, a semi-outdoor amphitheatre built by Agincourt Resources in 2017. And that is where Dastri now works as both a coordinator and a teacher. She is happy as she can express her enthusiasm and see the happy faces of her pupils..
The youth arena is now funded and managed by Agincourt Resources as the company’s concern for the human development index in the area. Dastri and 8 her colleagues have a tight schedule for all activities at Sopo Daganak, every day of the week is filled with creative activities. Monday and Tuesday begin with Nasyid, Wednesday and Thursday for traditional Gondang training, and Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are also full, occupied by traditional dance and music lessons.

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“This year only we are taking care of around 114 children from the surrounding area and there are still many children who have not been registered because our capacity is full. There were so many enthusiasts that even parents protested to us why their children were not accepted at Sopo Daganak, even though it was their own mistake since the parents were too late to register,” Dastri quipped.
“The kids of the previous generation really didn’t know where to go after school hours, including me. We didn’t have a traditional dance teacher or music mentor, and we also had no idea what performance arts is and reading habits at that time. Now, those are provided at Sopo Daganak. Kids nowadays are very happy after school and they can’t wait to play, learn, and enjoy all the facilities at Sopo Daganak.” Dastri explained.
“Many girls choose to learn dance, play Nasyid, and read at the mini library, while boys prefer to play music and form their own music bands. The mini library at Sopo Daganak has the highest number of visitors and no matter how many books are available, they are all read by the kids, they always strive for new books. Therefore every time new books arrive from the donors, the books are always devoured by kids. We as caregivers, sometimes feel worried because we are afraid that we can not provide enough books but on the other hand, we are also happy to see their passion for reading.” said Dastri.
Sopo Daganak was built on an empty land area of more than 4,000 m2 by Agincourt Resources as a concern for the Human Development Index in South Tapanuli. Not only did the physical construction cost nearly IDR 5 billion, but Agincourt Resources also assisted in management by providing operational funds and staff salaries at Sopo Daganak. Children don’t spend a penny to play and practice at Sopo Daganak, the manager even provides drinking water in a dispenser. The children only brought their food and drinking water bottles from home.
The semi-open amphitheater at Sopo Daganak accommodates around 500 people to hold dance performances or musical performances. The high roof and pillars that overshadow the amphitheater make the impression of natural bonds that also bring cool and fresh air. Apart from the amphitheater, there are also toilets, a mini library, and administration rooms with a beautiful garden and a large parking area completed by the youth arena.
The construction time of this youth centre only took 4 months which was carried out by local contractors and workers in 2017. “We at Agincourt Resources felt very proud that local contractors were able the construction on time. This is also proof that the local contractors have the same competency as the national contractors,” said Katarina Siburian Hardono, Senior Manager of Corporate Communication of Agincourt Resources. It can be said that Sopo Daganak has become an icon of youth creativities in Batangtoru District and has been sealed a great success with a high number of enthusiasts.
“Parents in the Batangtoru Subdistrict are now happy and feel secure as their children are participating in these activities at Sopo Daganak. Not only kids with schedules, but all kids who don’t have any schedules are welcome. All kids are welcome at any time,” said Dastri.
“The support from Agincourt Resources is the backbone of this premise, it’s the core of sustainability of this arena. We don’t know how to run this place if we don’t have full support from Agincourt Resources. The company also brought trainers from Bandung, West Java. The trainers taught us about management and organization, they also taught us about the development and sustainability of Sopo Daganak.” Dastri explained.
“We also departed to Medan to see and learn how the mini libraries operate in Medan a couple of months ago. All staff and teachers of 20 persons conducted comparative studies and sent them there at the cost of Agincourt Resources. They provide us with transportation and meals. I hope Agincourt Resources will always be with us and can increase its support,” Dastri expressed her expectation.
Sopo Daganak displayed the benefits and hopes of the younger generation to develop their soft skills, skills that may not obtained from formal education. Sopo Daganak provides positive activities that encourage the younger generation to develop themselves to increase their competitiveness in the future. This is one of the contributions from AGINCOURT RESOURCES to increase the human development index in Batang Toru. However, the human development index also requires healthy people to do positive activities.
Rumondang Pulungan, a resident of the Hutaraja sub-district, only a few minutes ride from Batang Toru, suffers from fibroids, which forced her to go to Padang Sidempuan back and forth for treatment and ultrasound or ultrasonography scan of her womb five years ago.
Rumondang recounts that, at that time, she had to rent a car at a cost of Rp500,000 or seek assistance from relatives who owned a car to drive her to Padangsidimpuan, which is 40 kilometers away from her home. She could no longer endure riding a motorcycle or taking long-distance public buses. The rental fee did not include the cost of fuel. Rumondang had to dig deeper into her pocket to buy food during the journey. Upon arrival at the hospital in Padangsidimpuan, she could only meet the doctor at 6 p.m., leading to her return home late at night.
Now, Rumondang, who has recently given birth to her third child, feels supported with the presence of a specialist doctor at the Batangtoru community health center, which is only a 20-minute motorcycle ride from her home.
“Now, I am incredibly grateful. There is a doctor and an ultrasound machine nearby, just a short motorcycle ride away, and the road is in good condition. We can meet the doctor at 3 p.m. The fuel consumption is also minimal, just 1 liter, and we can still reach home while it’s still daylight,” said Rumondang.
Dr. Ryan Andrian, an obstetrics and gynecology specialist (SPOG), has been assigned to the Batangtoru Community Health Center alongside two other specialist doctors: pediatric specialist Dr. Syahreza Hasibuan (SpA) and internal medicine specialist Dr. Abdus Somad Harahap (SpPD). This initiative aims to enhance healthcare services provided by the community health center to the surrounding population. The implementation of this specialist doctor service program has been effectively carried out through a collaboration between Agincourt Resources and the Tapanuli Selatan Health Office since 2020.
Rumondang frequently seeks medical treatment from Dr. Ryan. In addition to receiving satisfactory healthcare services, she obtains effective medications free of charge. Consequently, Rumondang does not have to spend money on purchasing medicines, which could otherwise amount to Rp200,000, allowing her to allocate those funds for household grocery expenses.
“I initially thought the medication was inexpensive because it was provided for free. However, when the medication ran out, I had to redeem it myself at the pharmacy. It was only then that I realized the cost was actually high, but the quality of the medication was good. I believe that the assistance program from Agincourt Resources is truly beneficial for the community,” expressed Rumondang.
Due to the specialist doctors’ friendly demeanor and excellent service, the mother of three, who initially harbored fear of facing doctors, no longer feels apprehensive. Service facilities such as ultrasound equipment are also readily available in conjunction with specialist doctor services.
And now, thanks to the assistance from Agincourt Resources, specialist doctors and ultrasound equipment are easily accessible. Without the support from Tambang Emas Martabe, I wouldn’t have been able to undergo ultrasound examinations up to six times,” she said.
At the Batangtoru Community Health Center, Agincourt Resources has brought in gynecologists, pediatricians, internists, and provided free medications based on doctors’ prescriptions, along with donations of equipment to support the services of specialist doctors. Prior to this program, Agincourt Resources is known to have significantly aided the Batangtoru community health center with various equipment, medications, ambulances, and facilities for medical waste management.
Rohani Simbolon, Manager of Community Development at Agincourt Resources, stated that the Specialist Doctor Service Social Service Program is a manifestation of the Company’s commitment in the health sector, reaching out to vulnerable villages with limited access to community healthcare services such as hospitals.
We hope that the results of the examinations conducted in this service can be followed up by the local community health center through the stages of recovery and monitoring of treatment, especially for patients in need of advanced treatment or referral,” stated Rohan
In 2022, a total of 39,108 patients received services from specialist doctors. The Specialist Doctor Placement Program at Community Health Centers even earned the Gold Award at the Indonesian Sustainable Development Goals Award (ISDA) 2022.
In addition to the specialist doctor program, Agincourt Resources is also involved in a stunting prevention program in four villages in Batangtoru.
“The government suggests a minimum aid of Rp450,000 per sponsored child per month, while Agincourt Resources allocates Rp2 million per sponsored child, plus regular doctor examinations. This is truly fantastic assistance,” said Abdul Latif Lubis, Chair of the South Tapanuli Stunting Task Force.
He believes that Agincourt Resources’ initiative with the Foster Parent Program for Stunted Children will support the accelerated reduction of stunting in South Tapanuli. Currently, there are still 114 stunted children in South Tapanuli. Agincourt Resources has been assisting in addressing malnutrition and stunting in children since 2016.
Agincourt Resources just doesn’t stop contributing to the education and health sectors. Agincourt Resources has signed a strong commitment to helping all aspects of the life of the Batang Toru community. Agincourt Resources would do as best as it can. Agincourt Resources embodied its contribution, including in improving the quality of Disaster Resilient Village (Destana) personnel in Hutaraja village.
The assistance program provided by Agincourt Resources was confirmed by one of the Destana personnel, Sadam Simbolon, who received experience and training held by Agincourt Resources. Sadam, who joined Destana in 2019, has really benefited from the Agincourt Resources training program. He said he had been sent by Agincourt Resources to undergo training on how to deal with disaster victims held by the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) in Banyuwangi, East Java.
“Me and my colleagues gained a lot of knowledge at the event. There was a tutorial on first aid for each victim of floods and accidents, they all require different first aid and different treatments. We also taught how to lift and handle victims, and how to set up emergency tents. Wow, there was lots of training and not a usual training, it was very high quality because it was carried out by the national BPBD,” said Sadam.
In addition to improving the skills of personnel, Destana in Hutaraja also received facilities and infrastructure such as stretchers for victims, platoon tents, postal tents, and medicines.
“The mining company (Agincourt Resources) also helped make the local disaster risk map,” said Sadam.
So far, Sadam feels that the assistance from Agincourt Resources is sufficient, it’s just that the personnel’s equipment is incomplete, such as helmets, vests, flashlights, and shoes. Sadam, who also works as a village apparatus admitted that he did not know whether the fulfilment of the equipment was the government’s obligation or that it had to be assisted by the private sector.
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Agincourt Resources’ contribution to the environment is also realized by planting tree seedlings in areas that are considered prone to landslides. This program involves Destana personnel including Sadam. In November 2022, Agincourt Resources together with the local government and residents held an Extreme Weather Disaster Preparedness Call, involving Destana Hapesong Baru, Environmental Champion, and the Garoga community. The rally was attended by the Acting Secretary of South Tapauli M. Frananda, Head of South Tapanuli Police AKBP Imam Zamroni, and Kodim 0212/TS (local military office).
Together with the community, Agincourt Resources planted 1,000 productive trees to reduce the risk of overflowing at the Garoga River in Batangtoru District.
Agincourt Resources’ range isn’t limited to North Sumatra only, Agincourt Resources has also sent an Emergency Response Team (ERT) and logistical assistance to support the handling and recovery of disaster victims after the eruption of Mount Semeru in Lumajang, East Java, thousands of kilometres away from Martabe gold mine.
The testimonies of the three residents show the benefits of assistance from Agincourt Resources which were directly felt by the community, not only around the mine but even by the people affected by the eruption of Mount Semeru in East Java.