On Friday, May 3, 2024, three schools under Agincourt Resources’ mentorship, namely SMP Negeri 2 Batangtoru, SD Negeri 100707 Perkebunan Batangtoru, and MTsN 3 Tapanuli Selatan, received the North Sumatra Province Environment-Friendly School (Adiwiyata) Award 2023. The awards were presented at the Aula Raja Inal Siregar, North Sumatra Governor’s Office, Medan. The awards were received directly by the respective principals and representatives of the Tapanuli Selatan District Environmental Living Agency. In addition to the mentored Adiwiyata Schools, Agincourt Resources also received the PROPER Hijau 2023 certificate by Environmental Manager Mahmud Subagya.
Read Also: Committed to Environmental Management, PT Agincourt Resources Receives Green Proper Award 2023
The three schools are part of the eight mentored schools in 2023. Some of the aspects that were improved to achieve Adiwiyata School include sanitation and drainage cleanliness, waste management with the 3R concept (Reuse, Reduce, Recycle), planting and caring for trees/plants, water conservation, energy conservation, and innovations related to the Environmentally Friendly Behavior (PRLH) aspect.
The mentoring of the eight schools is also a form of support for the program of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) in order to encourage the creation of knowledge and awareness among school residents in environmental conservation efforts as well as Minister of LHK Regulation Number 52 of 2019 concerning the Care and Culture Movement Environment in Schools and Regulation of the Minister of LHK Number 53 of 2019 concerning Adiwiyata Schools with the involvement of the business world (private sector). The Tapanuli Selatan Environmental Agency also expressed its gratitude to the three schools for this achievement.

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