Renovation of Al Ittihad Mosque in Bandar Hapinis Village Increases Congregation Capacity 

May 28, 2024

On Tuesday, May 28, 2024, the handover of support for the improvement of the quality and capacity of the Al Ittihad Mosque in Bandar Hapinis Village was carried out by Agincourt Resources Community Relations Manager Masdar Muda Hasibuan to the Head of Bandar Hapinis Village Muslim Nasution and the Chairman of the Mosque Management Board (BKM) Al Ittihad Saripuddin Harahap, witnessed by the Camat of Muara Batangtoru Faisal Candra Hasan. 

Read Also: Agincourt Resources Handed Over Assistance for the Renovation of Three Bridges 

The support for the renovation of this mosque aims to increase the capacity of the congregation. The mosque was first built in 1999 and can no longer accommodate the number of worshipers, especially for Friday prayers, and needs to adjust the direction of the qiblah. In December 2023, Agincourt Resources also provided support to improve the quality of the mosque’s infrastructure. 

Community Relations Manager Masdar Muda Hasibuan hoped that with the completion of the renovation of the Al Ittihad Mosque, the community in Bandar Hapinis Village can further improve their worship and hold religious activities. Furthermore, the management of the mosque will be continued by the BKM, the village government, and the community. 

Read Also: Supporting the Improvement of the Community Life Quality in Batu Horing Village, Agincourt Resources Build MCK and Rehabilitate 14 Houses of Worship and Mosque


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