SMK Negeri 1 Muara Batang Toru’s First Rhizome Cultivation Harvest

Oct 1, 2024

On Friday, October 1, 2024, Agincourt Resources’ partner school, SMK Negeri 1 Muara Batang Toru, specializing in Agribusiness, Food Crops, and Horticulture (ATPH), successfully conducted the first harvest of its Teaching Factory (TEFA) program for rhizome cultivation (ginger and turmeric). This achievement is the result of a collaboration between Agincourt Resources and the school, aimed at honing students’ life skills through real-world, industry-standard procedures to produce market-ready products. 

 The TEFA program aims to enhance work readiness, align competencies, and shape the work character of SMK graduates to meet the needs of the world of work and industry. By cultivating rhizomes, students not only gain knowledge about cultivation techniques but also develop an understanding of the economic potential of these commodities. 

Agincourt Resources’ Manager of Community Development, Rohani Simbolon, stated that this program is part of the company’s commitment to supporting vocational education. “Through our Community Development and Empowerment (PPM) program, Agincourt Resources strives to improve human resources quality, including through the Integrated Agricultural SMK Development Program at SMK Negeri 1 Muara Batang Toru and SMK Negeri 1 Batang Toru. We hope this program can have a positive impact, producing graduates who are ready to work or start their own businesses. Moreover, it can serve as a model for other schools in Tapanuli Selatan Regency,” she said. 

A representative from the Branch Office of Education Region XI North Sumatra, Saripuddin, appreciated Agincourt Resources’ efforts in supporting SMK Negeri 1 Muara Batang Toru in developing the TEFA program. “Since 2022, SMK Negeri 1 Muara Batang Toru has participated in numerous trainings facilitated by Agincourt Resources in collaboration with the Vocational Education Quality Assurance Development Center (BBPPMPV) Agriculture Cianjur. We hope the school can implement the training results, continue to innovate, and utilize all the facilities that have been provided,” he said. 

  The principal of SMK Negeri 1 Muara Batang Toru also expressed gratitude for the support from Agincourt Resources. “We are very grateful for this good cooperation. The TEFA program in the ATPH department has had a significant impact on improving the quality of education at our school. The human resources at SMK Negeri 1 Muara Batang Toru have experienced a significant improvement compared to before the mentorship,” he said. 

The first harvest of rhizome cultivation not only proves the success of the TEFA program but also opens up opportunities for collaboration between the school and the surrounding community, thereby adding value to the local economy. 

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