50 Doctors in South Tapanuli Enhanced Skills to Handle Critical Situations 

Jun 11, 2024

Agincourt Resources, together with the Tapanuli Selatan District Health Office and the Tapanuli Selatan District General Hospital (RSUD), collaborated to hold a Visum Et Repertum (VER) service optimization seminar on Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at the Sopo Namora Hall, Sipirok District. The seminar was attended by more than 50 doctors from various health units in South Tapanuli Regency. This event became a forum for doctors to exchange knowledge and experiences in dealing with critical situations, especially in handling cases of death and deliberate violence. 

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Head of the Tapanuli Selatan District Health Office, dr. Rudi Iskandar Harahap, M.Kes. expressed his gratitude to Agincourt Resources for their cooperation in always supporting the Health Office’s programs. This activity strongly supports the improvement of the quality of health services, especially in the working area of South Tapanuli Regency. 

Community Development Manager, Rohani Simbolon, emphasized that Agincourt Resources is always committed to achieving the best quality in every program carried out. This activity is also part of the Community Development and Empowerment (PPM) program, especially in the field of public health. This program can support the Key Performance Indicators (IKU) of the Tapanuli Selatan District Health Office. 

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Agincourt Resources will continue to support programs to improve the quality of health services in South Tapanuli Regency through collaboration with various parties, so that it can contribute to improving public health in this area. 


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