80 Preschool Teachers in South Tapanuli Committed to Child Protection

Sep 11, 2024

On Tuesday and Wednesday, September 10-11, 2024, Agincourt Resources, in collaboration with the South Tapanuli District Education Office, held a technical guidance workshop on preventing violence in educational institutions at the South Tapanuli District Education Office Auditorium. The event was attended by 80 teachers and headmasters from Early Childhood Education (ECE) levels from 15 sub-districts in South Tapanuli. 

This workshop aimed to equip educators with the knowledge and skills to prevent and handle cases of violence that may occur in school environments. Participants were not only taught how to identify signs of violence in children but also concrete steps that must be taken to protect children’s rights. 

Read Also: Ready to Become Experts! 12 Teachers from SMK Negeri 2 Batang Toru Enhanced Their Preventive Maintenance Knowledge

Agincourt Resources Community Development Manager, Rohani Simbolon, emphasized the importance of collaboration in supporting education. “One of Agincourt Resources’ Community Development and Empowerment Programs is in the field of education. We have carried out quite a number of activities, both in formal and informal education. To succeed in educational programs, especially in South Tapanuli, collaboration from all parties is needed, and Agincourt Resources has taken on that role. Hopefully, through this workshop, it can become a foundation for preventing violence in educational institutions, especially kindergartens and ECE,” she said. 

South Tapanuli Regency PAUD Chairperson, Rosalina Dolly Pasaribu, appreciated Agincourt Resources’ efforts in supporting education. “On behalf of the South Tapanuli Regency Government, I would like to thank Agincourt Resources for being a partner in various activities, one of which is in the field of education. If activities are carried out together, they can be completed easily and quickly,” she said. 

Read Also: SMK Negeri 2 Batangtoru Teachers Enhanced Skills Through Basic Technical Course Training


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