Excellent! 150 Healthcare Workers in Tano Tombangan Have Expanded Their Knowledge 

Sep 18, 2024

In an effort to improve the quality of healthcare services in Tapanuli Selatan Regency, Agincourt Resources once again held a health seminar featuring specialist doctors. The event, which took place at the Tano Tombangan Angkola District Office on Wednesday, September 18, 2024, was attended by 150 participants, consisting of 50 village midwives and 100 Posyandu cadres. 

Read Also: Healthcare Workers in Three Subdistricts Receive Specialist Doctors’ Health Seminars to Enhance Service Capacity 

The seminar aimed to equip participants with the latest knowledge and skills in the field of health, enabling them to provide more optimal services to the community. Three specialist doctors served as resource persons, each with expertise in their respective fields. dr. Ryan Andrian, M.Ked (OG) Sp.OG, a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology, presented a paper on the crucial role of village cadres and midwives in monitoring the health of pregnant women to reduce maternal and infant mortality rates. dr. Syahreza Hasibuan, M.Ked (Ped) Sp.A, a pediatrician, provided insights into the management of seizures in children, a common occurrence among young children. Meanwhile, dr. Abdus Somad Harahap, M.ked (PD) Sp.PD, an internal medicine specialist, discussed the early detection and management of gout arthritis, an increasingly prevalent disease. 

Read Also: Enhancing the Competence of South Tapanuli Healthcare Workers by Doctor Specialist 

The Head of the Tapanuli Selatan Health Department, dr. Rudi Harahap, expressed his deep appreciation to Agincourt Resources for organizing the seminar in his welcoming remarks. “This is the fifth seminar organized by Agincourt Resources in 2024. This excellent collaboration is highly beneficial for enhancing the capacity of healthcare workers in our region. We hope that such activities can continue,” he stated.


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