AWARDS OUR GREAT ACHIEVEMENT Recognition for PTAR’s Contribution to the Stunting Child Sponsorship Program in the South Tapanuli Work Area from the North Sumatra Provincial Government, represented by the North Sumatra Family Planning Coordinating Board (BKKBN Sumatera Utara). Agincourt Resources’ Contribution to the Community Received Award at North Sumatra Province Development Planning Forum Agincourt Resources has been honored with the Taxpayer Award 2023, presented by the Regional Office (Kanwil) of the Directorate General of Taxes (DJP) Sumatra II. 2nd Runner-up in the Fireghter Combat Challenge competition 2nd Runner-up in the Road Accident Rescue competition 1st Runner-up in the Water Rescue competition 1st Runner-up in the Fireghter Competency Test and Individual Skill competition 2nd Place in the Structural Fire Fighting competition The 3rd place in the Conservation & Biodiversity category at the 2023 Astra Friendly Company Awards Page 4 of 17« First«...23456...10...»Last »
Recognition for PTAR’s Contribution to the Stunting Child Sponsorship Program in the South Tapanuli Work Area from the North Sumatra Provincial Government, represented by the North Sumatra Family Planning Coordinating Board (BKKBN Sumatera Utara).
Agincourt Resources’ Contribution to the Community Received Award at North Sumatra Province Development Planning Forum
Agincourt Resources has been honored with the Taxpayer Award 2023, presented by the Regional Office (Kanwil) of the Directorate General of Taxes (DJP) Sumatra II.