Jakarta, 8 October 2022 – PT Agincourt Resources (PTAR), the operator of Martabe Gold Mine, successfully picked up four awards at the prestigious event of the Good Mining Practices Award of 2022 held by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR). PTAR even successfully achieved the highest rank with a golden symbol, namely the Aditama Award, in the Mining Environmental Management Aspect of the business entity group holding a Contract of Work (CoW) and Special Mining Business Permit (IUPK) of the mineral commodity.
In addition, other awards taken home by PTAR are the Utama Award in the Mining Technical Management Aspect of the business entity group holding CoW, a Mining Business Permit of State-Owned Enterprises (IUP BUMN), a Mining Business Permit of Foreign Investment (IUP PMA), IUPK of the mineral commodity; the Pratama Award of the Mineral and Coal Conservation Implementation Aspect of the business entity group holding CoW, IUP and IUPK of the mineral commodity; and the Pratama Award of the Standardization Management and Mining Service Business Aspect of the business entity group holding CoW, CCoW, IUP and IUPK of the mineral and coal commodities.
The President Director of PT Agincourt Resources, Muliady Sutio, expressed his gratitude for these awards which were realized from the support of employees, business partners of PTAR, and obviously the support from the governments, both central and regional. The Aditama Award in the Mining Environmental Management Aspect achieved by PTAR is a testament to the company’s seriousness in maintaining and managing the environment and biodiversity from the impacts of the operational activities of Martabe Gold Mine.
Since the mine operational activities began, the main goal of the environmental management in Martabe Gold Mine remains unchanged, including the activities of rehabilitation, safe tailings and waste rock management, safe treated water management, management and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, biodiversity protection, and safe and stable post-mining closure.
“PTAR follows the strict protocol of environmental management, in line with the appropriate environmental regulations concerning pollution, water, tailings, energy, and biodiversity management. We continue the environmental programs which are fundamental, structured, and collaborated with all stakeholders,” Muliady said after receiving the awards at the Achievement Award Presentation of the Good Mining Practices of 2022 in Jakarta, Thursday (29/9/2022).
Meanwhile, the Pratama Award in the Standardization Management and Mining Services Business also becomes a testament to PTAR’s policy of prioritizing local workers and local businesses. Until the end of 2021, 73.92% of workers in Martabe Gold Mine are locals, exceeding the 70% target determined in the Environmental Impact Assessment (Amdal).
In the local business scope, PTAR has collaborated with 79 local suppliers or 12% of 657 total suppliers. These local suppliers are from South Tapanuli, Central Tapanuli, Sibolga, and Padangsidimpuan. The percentage of local suppliers in 2021 increased compared to in 2020 which was 9%.
Muliady highly appreciated the awards from the Ministry of EMS, which were interpreted as a testament to PTAR’s seriousness in implementing good environmental management and a testament to PTAR’s commitment to implementing good mining practices.
“These four awards are not only appreciation for us, but they also become our motivation to continue implementing good environmental management and implementing good mining practices according to the Indonesian government regulations,” said Muliady.
The Minister of EMS, Arifin Tasrif, which was represented by the Special Staff of the Minister of EMR of Mineral and Coal Governance Acceleration Section, Irwandy Arif, said the Good Mining Practices were part of the efforts to implement Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) within the company environment especially in the environmental aspect, namely how the company’s performance is achieved environmentally friendly, both from the operations to its products.
“Basically, companies implementing the ESG principle in their business practices and investment mean that they will participate in integrating and implementing the company’s policies which will be in line with the continuity of the three concepts and provide positive impacts not only on the company’s performance but also on the community and environment,” Irwandy said.
PTAR carries out some environmental management actions throughout the mining operation, one of which is installing solar PV in 42 buildings distributed in the Martabe Gold Mine areas. This activity can produce electrical energy of 190,000 kWh and reduce CO2 emissions of 144,821 kilograms (kg) of Co2e, so it saves the monthly cost of approximately IDR 219 million.
Solar PV installation supports the Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) program. This practice can reduce the consumption and cost to buy fossil fuel, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, reduce B3 waste produced from the Genset maintenance, and give positive impacts on environmentally friendly mining practices, as well as indirectly maintain the health and survival of the community.
PTAR also planted more than 41,000 seedlings inside and outside the Martabe Gold Mine areas from 2012 until 2021. This action has the potential to produce 18 million kilograms of oxygen per year and can absorb around 1 million tonnes of carbon gas per year. In addition, in 2021 PTAR conducted land rehabilitation of up to 9.02 hectares, covering 3.88 hectares of the operational area and 5.14 hectares of the exploration area. This realization exceeded PTAR’s Reclamation Plan of 2017-2021 which had been approved by the Ministry of EMR with a rehabilitation target in an operational area of 3.88 hectares and an exploration area of 0.28 hectares in 2021.
In the biodiversity field, PTAR collaborates with the Yayasan Persamuhan Bodhicitta Mandala Medan (YPBMM) to conserve Sumatran Tigers. PTAR also collaborates with several NGOs which care for biodiversity conservation and are members of Batangtoru Conservation Activists 2021.
Irwandy added that with ESG criteria, mining companies must more pay attention to the environmental, social, and governance aspects in every operational activity so that investors are more interested in investing in mining companies that have met ESG criteria and supported good mining practices.
“I congratulate mining companies that successfully win the Awards of Good Mining Practices. I hope this achievement can be a role model in implementing the principles,” Irwandy said during the GMP Award of 2022, which was part of a series for the 77th Anniversary of Mining and Energy on 28 September 2022.
The assessment activity of the GMP Award of 2022 was participated by 19 CoW companies, 54 CCoW companies, 52 companies holding a mining business permit of Foreign Investment, 1,443 companies with a mining business permit of Domestic Investment, 18 companies with a mining business permit of BUMN, 6 companies of special mining business permit, and 174 IUJP.

President Director of Agincourt Resources Muliady Sutio (third from the left) received an award during the event of the Achievement Award Presentation of Good Mining Practices of 2022 held by the Ministry of EMR in Jakarta on 29 September 2022. PTAR won four awards in the annual event.
Jakarta, 8 October 2022 – PT Agincourt Resources (PTAR), the operator of Martabe Gold Mine, received four awards at the Good Mining Practices Awards Ceremony of 2022. This prestigious event is held annually by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.
Topping off the night was achieving the highest rank – the golden Aditama Award – in Mining Environmental Management. This reflects the consistent efforts and commitment by everyone at Martabe Gold Mine and the surrounding community to ensure we retain a long term outlook. This award was in the grouping of mineral miners holding a Contract of Work (CoW) and Special Mining Business Permit (IUPK).

Muliady Sutio Accepting Award
Other awards in a variety of categories were the Utama Award in Mining Technical Management, Pratama Award of the Mineral and Coal Conservation, and Pratama Award in Standardization Management and Mining Service Business. Everyone at the Company recognizes the collective input to gain this recognition.
These awards reflect Marabe Mine’s priority for good environmental management and good mining practices according to the Indonesian government regulations, a consistent approach since mine operational activities began.
The rather complicated business of mining is made simplier by abiding by proven systems for tailings and waste rock management, water and water treatment management, rehabilitation and greenhouse gas management, biodiversity protection and post-mining closure. Safety is good business whether for employees or the environment, as no one benefits when problems are created.
Arifin Tasrif, Minister of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, was represented at the Ceremonies by Irwandy Arif, Special Staff in the Mineral and Coal Governance Acceleration Section. He reiterated the Indonesian government position that Good Mining Practices are part of the efforts to implement Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles within a company, and this is to be measured broadly:
Companies implementing ESG principles in their business and investment practices are integrating and implementing policies in line with business continuity and provision of positive impacts, not only on a company’s performance but also on the community and environment.
PTAR carries out environmental management actions as a regularized part of the mining operation, in line with both regulation and best practice. Additionally, installing solar PV in 42 buildings offers sustainable renewable electrical energy of 190,000 kWh, reducing CO2 emissions by 144,821 kilograms (kg) of CO2e, saves approximately IDR 219 million monthly.
These efforts, the regular replanting of seedlings inside and outside the concession areas (41,000 from 2012 to 2021) and the Agincourt Resources collaboration to help conserve the Sumatran Tigers is perhaps why the Company of Agincourt Resources was again recognized for the many Good Mining Practices in 2022.
The GMP Awards of 2022 was participated in by 19 CoW companies, 54 CCoW companies, 52 companies holding a mining business permit of Foreign Investment, 1,443 companies with a mining business permit of Domestic Investment, 18 companies with a mining business permit of BUMN, 6 companies of special mining business permit, and 174 IUJP.