Batangtoru, 8 July 2024 – PT Agincourt Resources, Martabe Gold Mine Operator, for the 10th to held the series of Free Cataract Surgery ”Buka mata Lihat Indahnya Dunia.” This year the free cataract surgery will be hold in South Tapanuli, PematangSiantar, and Medan during of July to September 2024 targetting 1,300 of the eyes blind cataract.
The same as last year PT Agincourt Resources (PTAR) collaborated with the Mencirim Eye Hospital (RS) 77 Medan which has been performing cataract surgery since 2005.
Deputy General Manager Operations of PT Agincourt Resources, Wira Dharma Putra, said that the Company’s commitment to public health is very great, one of which is proven by organizing free cataract surgery every year since 2011. The operation was suspended due to the Sinabung disaster and the Covid-19 pandemic.
“We realize the importance of eye health for improving public’s quality of life. Through this consistent initiative conducted, we hope to make a real contribution in reducing the rate of blindness due to cataracts in North Sumatra,” said Wira when opening the Eye Health Information Week in Batangtoru, South Tapanuli, on Monday (8/7/2024).
Read Also: Agincourt Resources Holds 7 Rounds of Free Cataract Surgery in 4 locations in North Sumatra
According to him, PTAR as a private party can contribute to the acceleration of cataract prevention in Indonesia by encouraging as many cataract screenings and surgeries as possible in various regions. This is in line with the Roadmap for Overcoming Visual Impairment in Indonesia 2017-2030 launched by the Ministry of Health.
Senior Manager Corporate Communications of PT Agincourt Resources, Katarina Siburian Hardono, said the Company’s consistency in eliminating blindness has yielded remarkable results. From 2011 to 2023, PTAR’s cataract surgery has cured 10,571 eyes in 9,153 patients. They have been able to enjoy a better life, as well as the people around them.
Not only from South Tapanuli, cataract patients who underwent cataract surgery made by PTAR came from Central Tapanuli, Sibolga, North Tapanuli, North Padang Lawas, Padang Lawas, Mandailing Natal, Pematangsiantar, Deli Serdang, Medan, and Nias. The youngest patient was 8 months old and the oldest was 108 years old.
”Due to our commitment is to comprehensively support the public’s eye health, we do not only conduct curative efforts through cataract surgery, but also promotive and preventive efforts, one of which is the Eye Health Information Week,” said Katarina.
The Eye Health Information Week kicked off the Free Cataract Surgery Series, which aims to provide practical knowledge about eye health, especially cataracts, to health workers, integrated service post (posyandu) cadres, and village midwives around the mine area. The socialization participants are expected to be able to conduct initial cataract screening in their respective locations, as well as educate the public on how to avoid cataracts. Because every year they participate in the socialization, the spearheads of public health are increasingly qualified in conducting early detection of cataracts.
A total of 15 cataract surgeries will be held this year. The first cataract surgery will be held at Puskesmas Batangtoru, the closest location to the Martabe Gold Mine area. The surgeries will be held 6 times, on July 20-21, July 24-25, and August 2-3.
Pematangsiantar will be the second location for cataract surgery, at Siantar Eye Hospital, scheduled for August 27-31. Then, on September 6-7 and September 14-15, cataract surgery will be held at Mencirim Eye Hospital 77 Medan.
The President Director of Mencirim 77 Eye Hospital Medan, Syarifuddin, emphasized that cataracts can only be cured by surgery. One of the common cataract surgery techniques used in developing countries is manual small incision cataract surgery, with a surgery duration of 10-15 minutes and a healing time of 1 month.
Read Also: Targeting 1,300 Cataract-Free Eyes, PT Agincourt Resources Heals 226 Eyes in Pematang Siantar
” Of course, before undergoing surgery, prospective patients must undergo an eye and general health observation. We also educate patients on what to do and what not to do post-surgery. All of these services are provided in the PTAR cataract surgery program,” he said.
Appreciation for organizing the Martabe Gold Mine’s free cataract surgery was expressed by the Head of the South Tapanuli Health Office, Rudi Iskandar. He hopes that this service will continue for the realization of public-free blindness of cataracts.
”To the Posyandu and Family Welfare Empowerment (PKK) cadres, please convey this free cataract surgery information to the village community. Hopefully, cataract patients who get this information can get eye health services so that their sight can be healed again,” said Rudi.
Read Also: Great Public Enthusiasm, PT Agincourt Resources Increases Free Cataract Surgery Quota for 1,300 Eyes
Roslaina Matondang, a resident of Aek Pining, Batangtoru, said she was greatly helped by PTAR cataract surgery. The 65-year-old woman underwent PTAR cataract surgery in 2023. While she initially found it difficult to carry out household activities, she can freely carry out activities at home and in the community scope after the surgery.
“Don’t be afraid to undergo cataract surgery. It’s only 10 minutes with no pain. Afterward, I can see the beauty of this world,” she said.