Specialist Doctors Enter the Village: Closer to the People of Pargarutan Harangan Village

Jun 12, 2024

Agincourt Resources held a free medical service Dokter Spesialis Masuk Desa in Pargarutan Harangan Village, Sipirok Subdistrict, South Tapanuli on Wednesday, June 12, 2024. This activity shows the Company’s commitment to the health of the community around its operational area by bringing specialist doctors to remote villages. 

In collaboration with the Tapanuli Selatan District Health Office and the Tapanuli Selatan Regency General Hospital, Agincourt Resources presented a medical team, obstetrics specialist dr. Ryan Andrian, SP.OG, pediatrician dr. Khosiah Rahmi Daulay, M.Ked(Ped),Sp.A., and internist dr. Abdus Somad Harahap, Sp.PD. 

Read Also: Specialist Doctors’ Health Seminar Enhances the Capacity and Knowledge of Health Workers

The people of Pargarutan Harangan Village were enthusiastic about participating in this activity. More than 185 people from Pargarutan Harangan Village and surrounding areas took advantage of this opportunity to get free health checks and diagnoses. Various supporting facilities were also provided, such as ultrasound examinations for pregnant women, EKG examinations, blood sugar examinations, cholesterol and uric acid examinations. From the results of the examination, some of the diagnoses found included hypertension, stroke, diabetes, and gastritis for internal medicine, malnutrition, down syndrome, cough, and fever for pediatrics, and pregnancy examinations for obstetrics specialists. 

Read Also: Specialist Doctors Enter Villages, Greeting Salahia Hamlet in Batuhoring Village

Community Development Manager of Agincourt Resources Rohani Simbolon stated that the Specialist Doctors Enter the Village program is one of the efforts to improve the quality of health for the community who need quality health care. 


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