Jakarta, December 6, 2024 – PT Agincourt Resources, the operator of the Martabe Gold Mine, has once again recorded brilliant achievements at the national level by winning two awards at the 2024 Tamasya Award from the Directorate General of Minerals and Coal of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), and seven awards at the 2024 Indonesian Sustainable Development Award (ISDA).
These awards were given for the excellent community development and empowerment programs that have been carried out by PT Agincourt Resources (PTAR) as part of a strong commitment to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Vice President Director of PT Agincourt Resources, Ruli Tanio, stated that the Company is committed to creating added value and positive impact for all stakeholders to support the development of local communities and economies while contributing to the sustainable long-term improvement of quality of life.
Read Also: Wins 8 Awards from ISDA, PT Agincourt Resources Represents Responsible and Sustainable Mining
“This award is the proof of our continuous efforts and contributions to the welfare of the community and environmental sustainability around the operational area, as well as to economic growth and the achievement of the SDGs, including goals 2 and 13,” said Ruli.
The Community Development and Empowerment Program (PPM) of PTAR focuses on eight main pillars, namely education, health, real income or job improvement, economic independence, socio-culture, environmental management, community institutions, and infrastructure, with the main target is the communities in 15 villages around of mines. Throughout 2023, PTAR has implemented 76 PPMsthat have benefited 9,407 individuals.
“The Tamasya Award and ISDA are our motivators to continue innovating and contributing more for the community empowerment, of course in collaboration with stakeholders to achieve sustainable development goals,” said Ruli.
At the Tamasya (Tambang Menyejahterakan Masyarakat) Award held on November 26, 2024, as well as the closing of the Minerba Expo, PTAR won two awards through the Planning Category and the Implementation Category for Economic Independence. The awards were received directly by the Director of Agincourt Resources, Noviandri. PTAR also participated in Minerba Expo as an exhibitor presenting the Company-assisted culinary products.
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Meanwhile, at the ISDA held on November 28, 2024, PTAR took home the Platinum award for the stunting prevention program through Bapak Asuh Anak Stunting (BAAS), Posyandu revitalization, and mobile health services. It also won four Gold awards for supporting women’s groups program through culinary and make-up artist training, revitalization of the lubuk larangan custom to preserve jurung fish, fostering talented young athletes in local communities, and improving the quality of education through infrastructure development. Meanwhile, the Silver award was won for the media capacity building and the Agincourt Resources Olympiad (OlympiAR) program.
Eliminate The Stunting
PTAR has been working on stunting in the Batang Toru sub-district, South Tapanuli, since 2022. At that time, seven children were confirmed stunted.
The Manager – Community Development of Agincourt Resources, Rohani Simbolon, said that the situation prompted the Company to collaborate with the South Tapanuli Health Office, Batang Toru Health Center, and other regional apparatus to address stunting.
Three programs were being held simultaneously, namely: the Posyandu Revitalization Program in 14 villages, the BAAS Program, and Mobile Health Services through free social service treatment to villages far from health service facilities.
“We understand that stunting is a nutritional issue that causes various impacts and affects the lives of future generations. Handling stunted children does not only focus on curative actions but also preventive and sustainable measures,” said Rohani.
Read Also: Prevalence Stunting Increases, PTAR Runs Stunting Prevention Program in Batangtoru
Tetty Lanna Sari Hasibuan, a resident of Sumuran Village, Batang Toru, greatly feels the benefits of the BAAS program. This 42-year-old housewife recounted that her child, who was then 7 months old at the time was diagnosed with stunting by the Puskemas because the child’s growth and development were not appropriate for the child’s age.
She was then advised by the health center to participate in the BAAS program. Every two weeks, Tetty takes her stunted child to the Batang Toru health center to be examined by a pediatric specialist. She also received milk and vitamin assisstance according to the doctor’s prescription.
“Now my child is 1 year and 8 months old. The condition is much better and he is becoming more active. The health center staff informed me that next month my child will finish receiving treatment and will be declared free from stunting,” said Tetty happily.
Read Also: The Role of Fathers in Preventing Stunting Must Be Enhanced
PTAR continues the stunting handling program with various efforts, including encouraging Posyandu which has been fostered to have an innovative program and forming a community of Cadre Coaches to maintain the sustainability of coaching with the concept of peer educators among cadres.