Graduate from Mining Engineering? What Will You Do? 

Graduate from Mining Engineering? What Will You Do? 

Mining engineering is an engineering discipline that focuses on the exploration and exploitation of mineral resources such as gold, silver, iron, aluminium, coal, etc. In the Department of Mining Engineering, students learn about general investigation activities...

Excavation Processes in Underground Mines 

Excavation Processes in Underground Mines 

Around 17% of the total metals' mines were from underground mining excavation. This mining technique is more complex and more expensive than surface mining. But it has to be done when the minerals and ores are located too far underground to be mined efficiently using...

Let’s Learn the 4 Most Common Mining Methods  

Let’s Learn the 4 Most Common Mining Methods  

Mining is the process of obtaining geological materials and valuable materials from the Earth. These materials cannot be grown through agricultural processes nor artificially created inside a factory or laboratory, which makes them obtainable through mining only....

9 Tips to Improve Mining Equipment Safety

9 Tips to Improve Mining Equipment Safety

Safety is a significant concern in the mining industry. With the increasing business activities in mining, injuries related to mining have also risen. Mining accidents can be caused by various factors such as fires, floods, explosions, poorly designed mining...

Utilization of New Renewable Energy Potentials for a Greener Indonesia

Utilization of New Renewable Energy Potentials for a Greener Indonesia

Indonesia possesses a significant and diverse potential for New Renewable Energy (EBT), including geothermal, wind, solar, and tidal energy. The EBT potential in Indonesia reaches an impressive 3,687 Gigawatts (GW), with specific potentials such as hydro (95 GW),...