Major Challenges Faced by the Mining Industry

Major Challenges Faced by the Mining Industry

Mining is a challenging business. Mines are a large, complex and risk-laden industry. So, it’s no surprise that the mining industry is facing complex challenges from all directions. If the mining companies and shareholders do not want to be left behind and want to be...

Digitalisation in the Mining Industry: Is it a Necessity?

Digitalisation in the Mining Industry: Is it a Necessity?

Digitalization is nothing new in the mining industry. Most companies have been implementing some sort of digitalization for certain parts of their processes for years now. However, according to Boston Consulting Group’s 2021 Digital Acceleration...

5 Ways to Find Gold Location

5 Ways to Find Gold Location

Some may sometimes wonder about the signs by which it is possible to know whether this land contains gold or not, and some may also believe that this is easy and simple, but in fact, it is not so Gold occurs in so many different types of deposits and there are many...

Tips for Keeping Your Gold Jewellery Shining Forever

Tips for Keeping Your Gold Jewellery Shining Forever

Gold is a precious and valuable possession that requires proper storage to maintain its beauty and value. Whether you're storing jewellry or are wondering how to store gold bars), many of the best tips are similar to bronze and silver. Here’s a step-by-step guide on...

Where does Gold Come From?

Where does Gold Come From?

Gold is a chemical element easily recognized by its yellow metallic colour. It is valuable because of its rarity, resistance to corrosion, a good conductor of electricity, malleability, ductility, and beauty. If you ask people where gold comes from, most will say you...